Wow, I didn't think the wait was that long for the crossbreed. I guess his business has really picked up. Thats about a typical wait from the bigger name places like Milt Sparks. I think Fist-Inc says 5-6 weeks for their stuff, but I had my last one back in like 3 weeks. I order only the ultra thin kydex varients from them, so they are probably less time to make than the leather ones. Who did you do the class through? Was it one of the PRO instructors or was it New Albany ? I've heard a lot of good stuff about the PRO guys. In fact, I was going to do my instructor certification through them, but their classes never fit my schedule and I ended up doing it with my rifle coach.[/quote:6cad6] I used a guy that's a NRA Counselor. He teaches CCW on his spare time. He has a regular 9 to 5 as an insurance agent. The class actually takes place in his office. He does not advertise...Usually people who have used him, refer to others. Someone here at my job told me about his. Course was on a Weds-Thurs from 6:30 to about 10 and we did the range the following Saturday. As for the holster, Cross is the way i wanted to go, but I am not waiting that long. Here is the one I got Currently, I use the UMikes.