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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. No on 97.1 they said in 2016 the Michigan game will be $175 a ticket. So 2014 will be the last game at $70.
  2. I do love fried chicken. This is fact. Technically wings are fried, And I can put those away!
  3. Body builders do not eat FRIED chicken though. It's usually grilled.
  4. It has happened in the past.
  5. Any of you see tickets for the OSU vs mich game go from $70 in 2014 to $175 in 2016?
  6. Best advise here. That is what you asked for.....
  7. I don't need to address it. I know what happened and that's good enough for me.
  8. When you make good decisions and live within your means and save, you'd be surprised what you can eventually afford. Yep at a "bookstore", my sales i'm responsible for the last 15 days was over 1 million dollars. Oh and half way to retirement already, which should be 52 for me.
  9. You go to school on a gov't grant too don't you? I'm referring to a grant like Pell? So drive a Vette, and live in a shithole?
  10. I wouldn't Phil. I'm not looking for tax payer money. I can pay my own way, and I'm responsible for my choices and actions. He wasn't looking for money from the individual, he wanted it from the court, then let the court try to get the money back because he KNOWS the guy has NO money. Fuck people scamming taxpayer money, scum. Be a fucking man and make your way. Ray said it best: I'm curious to know if he goes to school on a gov't grant.
  11. When you are looking for a tax payer settlement through courts full well knowing the guy has nothing to take and let the court deal with collecting nothing while you skate with the money. Yeah it's all I need to hear to judge his financial situation. We all know that will not happen. But he was hoping it might. Sell the Vette you can't afford it. He's driving a Vette looking for welfare. Gotta love entitlement.
  12. Sell the Vette you can't afford it. Period.
  13. Fuck you guys, I make 148k a year and just bought an 02 cougar.
  14. http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt123/scoobysnacks99873/WhiteOut.png
  15. Come over to the bookstore, better sandwiches anyway, I work in the bookstore.
  16. SpaceGhost

    Direct TV?

    Not to mention since you have a directv login, CNN and other channels you can now watch live on smartphones. Install the directv app, you can set shows to record from your phone anywhere and watch certain channels and shows.
  17. They are saying the squall that went through helped, I was out on Polaris when it went through, a friend and I were going to Skyline. It was pretty much a white out of a minute or two.
  18. Not awesome for me, they refused to pay even though their driver was cited. My Ins had to sue them. Once they lost I started to get calls. I think my last one was in Dec, 2 years after is how long they needed to pay for injuries and lost wages. Some of the people must have milked it, I just got my money for my car and moved on. I wasn't hurt at all. It was hard enough getting them to give me a fair price for my paid off STI. Now I only have 12 payments left on it's replacement, I'm scared. LOL
  19. He had Cincinnati Ins, not sure what happens. I had my Insurance take care of the claim, they recovered what they paid to me later. If I didn't use my Ins, I wouldn't have had a replacement car or money until June, that is when my deductible was refunded to me by my insurance company once they got their money from Cincinnati.
  20. I had no where to go inthe Easton one, cars left and right of me wrecked and so did the ones in front of me. Shit was like NASCAR, cars wrecking everywhere. The guy from Springfield that tried to cut 3 lanes without looking and rammed the car next to him at the last second before the Easton split caused the one I was in. He was cited for all 9 vehicles including mine. I still get calls from his Ins company seeing if they need to pay for anything else. Just had a call last month. Accident was Dec 2010. Seeing where this occurred, (right in front of the 161 split) I bet someone tried to cut 3 lanes without looking.
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