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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. No rain tonight Tim, front has moved south.
  2. Every Detail I have paid for has been more than $99 from Andy. I wonder why Todd's prices have come down....
  3. I'm not saying Todd doesn't have talent, because he does, his work speaks for itself. I didn't like his reasoning, and quite frankly I thought it was quite a bad business decision. There are more "very wealthy people" here that lurk than he knows, hell some don't lurk and are very active. I'd love to know the return Andy has for his $60 a year sponsorship, Hell I know I have had a detail from him at least once a year sometimes twice for the past 4-5 years. Sponsorship here is so cheap and well this place is perfect for his services, especially if it's only $99 to start....
  4. Ryan, I got his PM back when he quit the site, I think I know what he posted. He stated CR cannot afford his services, I don't care what is on his site now. I bet he quickly found out there are not enough jobs from millionaires to make a career out of it. One will have to rub on a taurus every now and then. He burnt the bridge here. I'd rather secure Andy for his services. The touch less car wash I use is on Hamilton and has been closed since the Friday storm. My car is pitiful to look at because it is pretty dirty. Stupid construction mud at the house, and kids making a mess inside.
  5. Todd rolls with the one you all do not like. Remember he said CR was not up to his expectation in earning potential in order to pay him for his services....
  6. Also that is the site that channel 4 uses for their radar on their own website. I have been using that site for 10-12 years.
  7. I read it will be on display at the arthritis show.
  8. I just mail all of them stuffed into one of the prepaid envelopes back to them since it's prepaid. Waste their money and they can dispose of their trash.
  9. Please turn off TVs and lights, and raise the thermostat temp on AC units. If we don't conserve enough power they will start turning off circuits and we will be without power. Spread the word.
  10. I don't ride the filthy things, I drive down every year.
  11. Looks like they vote tonight to accept terms and back to work tomorrow at 5am assuming the vote passes which is the hint I am getting. Cota should be running tomorrow. No worries.
  12. So here is how I see this, I work for the state and they need to cut budget, I took a job that said I get x benefits plus salary. With this happening the state can now stop health INS for all of us, the penalty is less than our premiums. They show a net savings, the penalties go to fund Medicaid. I make too much to qualify for Medicaid, almost everyone does. Now I must completely pay for my own Health INS out of pocket and take home less money, or pay a penalty myself which again funds Medicaid that I do not qualify for. The kicker is also because I belong to a group of people that pay the same INS we get it a greatly reduced cost, now with the state not using UHC and just funding Medicaid (again which I don't qualify for) I am also forced to pay more than my employer paid for the same policy because I will purchase at the individual level, UHC will not keep a group together. They stand to make more money at the individual level. And if you think the private sector will not follow this, you are naive. The penalty is set up to be less than most premiums. This is the biggest factor of why this bill is garbage. The penalty should be 5x the premium so it would be a bad business decision for the company to not offer you the benefit of health INS as part of your salary. Right now as it stands it's a great business decision to drop millions from their plans and add money to the bottom line. The middle class gets fucked again and the fucking losers of the country get Health Care.
  13. http://www2.nbc4i.com/special_section/2012/may/31/community-fireworks-ar-1055559/
  14. SpaceGhost


    It's 69 degrees in Westerville right now, should be easy.
  15. SpaceGhost


    Little Turtle got power today at 8PM. I took the week off over a month ago, I was gonna be pretty miffed if power was gonna be off for most of my time off. Whew.... Still pissed I have to live in this shithole APT for another 60 days though.
  16. I want to plaster all over my car and body that I am a heterosexual. We heterosexuals need to come up with some good signs and plaster them everywhere like on bars and restaurant doors so we as the public know that these establishments are friendly to heterosexuals. When I meet gay people I make sure they know MY CHOICE, and remind them frequently of my heterosexual preference. Since I am constantly reminded and have to see their marketing. Like it's important info for me to know while I'm on 270 that the fucking moron in the left lane in front of me doing 10 under the limit, likes in his spare time to stick his dick in another mans ass. It's fucking annoying, be gay and shut the fuck up already about it.
  17. Long read but interesting. Most think it's better because of glass but can't tell the taste without seeing the bottle. http://drinks.seriouseats.com/2011/09/the-food-lab-drinks-edition-is-mexican-coke-better-than-regular-coke-coke-taste-test-coke-vs-mexican-coke.html
  18. I hate to shit on your parade, but the Mexi coke in glass bottles have been tested and they found no sugar.... http://blogs.ocweekly.com/stickaforkinit/2010/10/mexican_coke_the_real_thing.php every bottle I have seen at Costco says 2001, keep shelling out 2x-4x the cash for 11 year old coke in glass. Costco sells it everyday in 24 packs for $24.
  19. I worked from 6am - 10:30am, then went and insulated our new 3 car garage on the new house and also the Master Bedroom wall that borders the bonus room. Dads never get days off. Cheers!
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