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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. You all act like if you spend a bit on the high side for an engagement ring that you will never have money the rest of your life. Funny I am just fine, we travel, raise kids, buy cars, going to buy a new house..... I don't get it, I put time and money in it because it kinda shows the commitment and how much she means to you. That's my opinion. I'm not a newly wed either. If I was on #4/#5 I wouldn't buy an expensive ring either. :lolguy:
  2. I picked out the main diamond after looking at so many and then had it designed and mounted. I put in quite a bit of effort and $$$. It's more than just picking one up IMO, you should start by learning and understanding diamonds, so you can make an informed purchase.
  3. Ohhhhhh, That's where ghost riding came from.
  4. Sea Ice almost Normal again with a Cold PDO and ADO. http://p.twimg.com/AhEv6C6CIAAkQxY.jpg
  5. Not a single fuck given.
  6. I bet they are full and are not taking any more reservations.
  7. I hear Zunes are nice, oh yeah I forgot....
  8. I got those too, but I never read them, I would just delete them.
  9. This is normal after a La Nina, you fuckers that say this is fine will be the assholes bitching when it's snowing in April. That's what is going to happen, no snow in December means high probability of Snow throughout April. I wanted the Snow in November.
  10. She could talk to me in Italian all day and I wouldn't care. I don't speak Italian.
  11. Some poor bastard was pulling the Hide and Slide.
  12. The saying is "I COULDN'T care less". Sigh
  13. When I mean know, I mean know, not Facebook. I went to School with someone who looks like her.
  14. Yep, nothing around here last night, but the wife came through in the Marysville Kroger this morning. I have me a six pack for Christmas Eve.
  15. I agree they shouldn't get to make the trip but the other kids do.
  16. Come to think about it, Recruiting may take a hit, with the probation, what if some dumb idiot on Special teams goes out and does something stupid and gets caught? Boom, there goes a few more years.... If I were a recruit, you would have to take that into consideration. You can't control your other teammates. OSU will be on a very short leash.
  17. We do too, my 4 YO daughter has a iPhone 3GS as an iPod.
  18. I don't, they will see the big picture, no pressure next year, and Game on in 2013 as a really really good team. These guys coming in want to have the NC in their Junior and Senior years anyway, they will be taken higher in the draft when they come out because of it.
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