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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PC1JbQaEt5c/TSu_qkgfQnI/AAAAAAAAAVM/rMKCbamqCKE/s1600/trainwreck2.jpg
  2. I have been downloading iTunes music for 10 or 11 years and a lot of my purchases were early purchases when it was 128K DRM files. Also I had a bunch of CD's I ripped at the same rate, not to mention those CD had some pretty good scratches, and when ripped, produced some shitty M4As. So if you pay the $25 for a year of iTunes Match, you can do a smart playlist and find all these files and delete them then redownload them from Apple in a perfect 256Kb DRM free version. I was able to replace 1500+ files for $25, if I paid the $.30 per file Apple was offering before iTunes Match it would have cost me $450+. So Just wanted to pass this along. http://www.macrumors.com/2011/11/15/quickly-upgrade-all-itunes-matched-songs-to-256kbps/
  3. Directv has Columbus scheduled for Tuesday 12/20 for the New UI. http://forums.directv.com/pe/RepositoryFileDownloadServlet/10984513/DEC14.pdf
  4. I have a feeling it will snow in April.
  5. Jean Claude turned the first one down, LOL I see he didn't make the same mistake again.
  6. I'm not going that far. The Economy is 1st priorty IMO right now, We HAVE the 2nd amendment currently, so Id rather have Ron Paul.
  7. That is not my pic, just the same gun I own.
  8. Not to mention, he only lost most of his games by less than 1 score.
  9. And this is why I love Michigan, he lives there. By the way this video was posted in this thread a while ago. Post 15. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72993 And what I posted in post #12 still stands today.
  10. http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j341/ahanson0825/Guns%20and%20Knives/IMG_0501.jpg Ported XD 4" 9mm With Hornaday Critical Defense. Almost no muzzle filp = a fast tight group Oh and the crimson laser I have helps too.
  11. Nope, Ohio Supreme court already rulled on this.
  12. That you and Gabe bumped from the grave. Nobody else did.
  13. Before or after the invention of facebook? or both?
  14. I am disapoint, I thought more people would find this funny.
  15. I have my mom's entire side of my family blocked, they can't see me when they do a search for me.
  16. I like Google+ better but nobody uses it so facebook it is. The fucking buthurtness some people get over it amazes me. I hide almost all my wife's friends from my news feed, because we are married they have to "friend" me and I can't decline it or my wife is asking "why"? Sofa king annoying, and I hide every game on there. I mainly Message some peeps in Cleveland/Cincinnati or accross the nation I know and don't get out there as much as I should. I used to travel every weekend in and out of state for years (before kids) and have met a lot of people that I still talk too. As some on here know most of my statuses are aimed at family as I mainly post about my kids, pics/videos. It's either kids or sports. I'm sure I'm hidden too.
  17. We are required to have a front plate, I have never mounted one. Meh, I'll continue to use my Smartphone, Ohio Supreme court rulled that a Officer has to serve a warrant to ask for your smartphone as they fall under "computers" in the law. (this is why the texting ban can't be enforced) So when I get pulled over, in the armrest compartment it goes and even if he searches for it he/she/it can't touch it with out a judges order. If a OHPO pulled me over because my daughter was watching tinkerbell in the back seat on an iPhone or iPad to pass time on 71N, he's not getting any respect from me durring the stop. Simply riduclous. No different tthan having 3 TVs mounted in a mini van. This will never pass into law anyway. /Thread
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