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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. What part of "ordering starts February 3rd for customers and February 10th for non-customers" do you not understand.
  2. Also something to think about: Verizon Tether, 5 devices, if you can't use data on a call, your other devices lose connection durring a call. Hmmmmmmm sounds annoying.
  3. I'm really curious what happens in June/July, will AT&T see an iPhone 5 and will Verizon too? As a customer of Apple right now, no way I would buy in February to see it outdated in 5 months. Maybe Verizon will see a refresh every year with Verizon in January, 6 months behind AT&T every year.
  4. It's over, discuss away. Enjoy the Phone, I do.
  5. Un-true, I use the web while talking on the phone all the time, it would be really annoying not being able to do so.
  6. SO no Data and call at the same time, I see AT&T pushing that big time.
  7. Boom! AT&T will offer free tethering soon now I bet.
  8. Not a rumor anymore. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/01/verizon-iphone-0993.jpg
  9. Patience, you must learn Patience. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rzdB5a4kLAo/SbB3trvltlI/AAAAAAAANUc/-GdneUP_C2w/s400/yoda.gif
  10. Mini parts are pretty expensive when you start replacing them.
  11. Don't they get pretty hot? Also I will purchase one when we are done having kids, it would suck to have a kid pee in a bed that is a giant sponge.
  12. I remember your JDM Civic, tisk tisk.
  13. Great game. I like Defensive games.
  14. If I had to guess, $199 for 16GB and $299 for 32GB both signing a new 2 year contract.
  15. Purple suff to me is dimetapp. Worst medicine in the world.
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