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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Ah I see, so I guess we have a Premier account as we are tied into Ohio Health's.
  2. I'm cool with that, they are good peeps.
  3. What is a "Premier" account?
  4. I just want to go on record and say this doesn't happen for any android phone: http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/15/iphone-4-pre-orders-bring-down-servers-and-generate-long-lines/ Yep, I'm sure Android is continuing to "out sell" iPhones today.
  5. Apple needs to get that billion dollar North Carolina server farm up and running. I wonder what the lines are like at AT&T stores and Apple. I have heard you can turn in a 3GS at Radio Shack and get a 16GB iPhone4 for free. Because they do trade in for electronics. Best Buy also is doing pre-order, so is Wal-Mart.
  6. So was your mom last night, but I powered through it. That's just the kinda man I am.
  7. For the record, if you have ever used an iPhone, "Black" shows oil from your hands and face easier. So, Fuck all ya'll!
  8. I could have bet 1,000,000 dollars that would be on the first page. So predictable.
  9. http://images.macrumors.com/article/2010/06/15/040255-preorderiphone_500.jpg Fuckers, I had to take a fucking black 3GS when I got it because white was out. I hate the black ones. I'm waiting for the fucking white one this time. Well played Steve. Well played.
  10. That did work out nicely for you! I was rooting for the ZR1s I didn't give a shit about the Prototypes.
  11. I don't get the Lane Kiffin hire, I mean what has he accomplished anywhere as a head coach? He's terrible. Players don't respect him, owners don't respect him.....
  12. I'm trying to count the stoplights in my head, I am thinking 8 lights between 71 and Westerville RD. That's like a 2 mile rd. Like Not Brian said it's impossible to not to stop at each light unless you are moving at a good pace. Hmmmm maybe that's the answer, maybe just a time of light change would be the cheapest solution for safety. People wouldn't need to feel the need to go fast so they can make the next light. 5 between Dempsey and Countyline. Most likely the same distance.
  13. Exactly, stop lights tend to fuck up Visual speed tests. S=D/T, This is clearly not about safety, it's about where they think they can get revenue. They are citing Polaris as the unsafe accident ridden road for reason of the expenditure of the flights, when I bet they write more tickets on Sunbury Rd where there are more open stretches of road between lights.
  14. Really? Look at the November 2007 dates that are no longer on his record. Put a little effort in your responses.
  15. Insurance goes further back than 2 years.
  16. Keep in mind Tim facetime only works with iPhone 4, so iPhone to droid calls will not work without skype.
  17. Exactly my point, put 2 cars in plain sight 1/4 mile apart and trafic will slow, combined with lights it will be safer. But no, there HAS to be tickets and since they can't hide and make money on the ground, hell let's hire a civilian to help get the extra taxes to piss away.
  18. I bet they do Sunbury Rd. too as it is already marked. I love how they say it's not to collect revenue. BULLSHIT, if it was safety they could park 2 cruisers (Empty and unmanned) in the median and people would slow down because they would be VISIBLE. Now they are going to fly over UNNOTICED so they can write as many tickets as possible.
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