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Posts posted by SpaceGhost

  1. I’m a bit of a Ford fan, My Uncle has worked for Ford for his entire life, my Grandparents only bought ford vehicles, my Grandfather was forced to retire from LOF in Toledo (Dude was still working in his 70s and didn’t want to stop), LOF is the plant that made glass for Ford. I have been a Ford employee twice in my life. And now I finally own a Pony. I absolutely love the GT, and we are trying to plan to take my father in law to LeMans next year as he’s getting up there in years and wants go well before you know....
  2. http://autoweek.com/article/car-life/matt-damon-will-play-carroll-shelby-upcoming-movie




    June 20, 2018



    Ford’s classic battle against Ferrari will finally get the major motion picture treatment with Matt Damon positioned to play Carroll Shelby. Some might remember rumblings of this movie getting made in 2013 with Tom Cruise taking Shelby’s spot, but movie making sometimes isn’t exactly a seamless process.


    “Logan” director James Mangold is currently tapped to direct the currently untitled Ford versus Ferrari biopic. Mangold isn’t the only superhero star to cross over to reality -- Christian Bale, of “Batman” fame, and Jon Bernthal from “The Punisher” TV series will also be involved. Bale will play racer and GT40 test driver Ken Miles, with Bernthal playing Lee Iacocca.



    The screenplay was originally based on A.J. Baime’s book “Go Like Hell,” but, like the movie’s stars, that has changed. Now, the screenplay will be penned by Jez and John-Henry Butterworth, with different source material. According to Variety, Baime’s book will still see life as a TV series.


    We’re curious how this will pan out -- it seems to be full of A-List talent and in capable hands. Until it hits theaters, you can brush up on your Ford and Ferrari history by reading Baime’s book, or by watching “The 24 Hour War.”


    Wesley Wren

  3. Well I’m convinced he’ll get re-elected in 2 years, Democrats will noninate some nobody. They sent me a letter asking for fucking money because I voted in the democratic primary. That was hysterical, I mailed it back to them with “fuck off” written in huge sharpie over the application. (Postage was pre paid) Only reason I voted in the democratic primary was to vote against Hillary, and what did I learn? That process is and continues to be a farce. My vote didn’t count at all. The fucking funny part is the Democratic Party cares more about raising money than winning the election, that’s why they are fucking losers. They care about raising money More than Republicans, and I still think if they nominated Bernie he would have mopped the floor with Trump in that election. Fucking Democrat losers. Even Democrats are scared of their own beliefs otherwise they would have nominated Bernie.
  4. Don't lol at me Greg. Lol at you.


    I stated my truth. Deal wif it.




    Justifying my true statement didn't make it less true. Let's keep this shit twister swirlin. See how many IRL relationships can be broken in this dying, little shit-forum. :megusta:


    I will also further state for clarity I remember for the entire 2 terms of George W Bush, political post were banned also. There was no CR before Bush.

  5. I got to say: I don't remember a fraction of this much bitching coming from 2 terms of Obama. And we're talking a decade of cultural change since then. You guys have raised the bar. We'll all have to really step our game up for the next Democratic candidate.


    That is because while the majority Obama’s term in office, the rule here was no political posts because most of the white male voices on here liked to show their racist tendencies.

  6. Let me ask you this, when you were growing up, what are you told by your parents? To go to college or go get a 9-5 at the plant? Sure a small manufacturing plant helps a small rural community, but not in urban areas. Hell even Amazon knows young adults are their talent pool for their wharehouses and now are offering to pay for college as a way to stop the high turnover they have. They have signed a couple agreements with CSCC including some are mandating they take pharmacy tech classes because Amazon is about to enter the Pharmacy Market.
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