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Posts posted by BornSinner

  1. You all are so very welcome....she had a great birthday, thanks for making it so much fun....

    We will have many more this summer....

    Satan and I are getting the 1 year party planned as we speak...

    Still know one has seen WALDO...


    Its only in the last pic.....LOOK CLOSE


    Is it Meatwad's balls again?..

    That's one sick bastard.. :):D

    You ALL WIN!!!!!

    the prize is MEATWADS BALLS :lol::lol:

  2. I went up and got thekid some gear tonight. Thewoman is still skeered of me taking him riding with me, but she'll get over it. Talked to Clutch for a bit, ordered an undertail and a new screen and got some odds and ends. Came home and talked to a buddy (the one trying to sell the ford race parts to get a bike) and had a revelation.

    We need to get a group of hotties and have a bikini bike wash. And no, they don't make a bikini to fit me!

    It would raise awareness of OhioRiders.net, give us a chance to all hang out in the same parking lot and get to know each other, and obviously get to A) show off our girls, or B) Check out everyone else's girl. :D

    And raise some cash for server/hosting fees, beer, steaks or some other worthy cause.


    Maybe we can get something going in the summer, bit warmer

    I know some people that work in some of the ADULT Night Clubs....maybe we can work something out

  3. You all are so very welcome....she had a great birthday, thanks for making it so much fun....

    We will have many more this summer....

    Satan and I are getting the 1 year party planned as we speak...

    Still know one has seen WALDO...


    Its only in the last pic.....LOOK CLOSE


  4. Here are some pics from Saturdays B-Day Cookout for Red-Robin...

    Postman and BornSinner doing some grilling...


    Red-Robins new T-shirt


    Postman going for another one.....and another one...etc


    Putty getting some water to flush out the JELL-O shots


    Meatwad pissing on on the Club House.....AGAIN


    Iron Pony guys rockin Guitar HeroII


    Putty is SO hammered, Zorro has to hang his head low...


    The drunk happy couple, Satan and CBRgirl


    Red-Robin and GixChic...SEXY SEXY...HOW MUCH!!!


    Grab the axe girl


    Putty looks like he is thinking DIRTY thoughts


    Postman finishing out the night


    Here is the GIRLS!!!!!!!


    Here the guys.....DRUNK as HELL!!!!!

    CAN ANYONE FIND WALDO? :lol::lol::lol:


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