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Posts posted by BornSinner

  1. Here's my thoughts:

    Definately dead: Maid, gay guys, guy in leather suit, wife of original owner, two college girls, guys mistress, high school kids (once you catch up, you'll know)

    Definately alive: Guy and his family, woman next door, security guard

    Up in the air: Guy who burned the house down, Tate (kid who's seeing the doctor/dating his daughter)

    I think Tate is dead...

    and the downs daughter is not going to come back as ghost since she did not pass away on the grounds of the house...

  2. You should feel lucky...

    Im still in a battle over my last run in with the PO PO...

    My last night run...ended up in a fun race with this....


    We got into on the easton overpass... I was in the lead and started to slow down... when I look over to my left and on 270 "Pacing" me was a Franklin County Sherif...

    SO I pulled over.. me ran my shit... threatin to tow my bike and toss me in jail...for the weekend I might add... but since I didnt run he was just going to give me TWO tickets...one for speeding other but reckles op....

    So be happy that let you go with a warning....

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