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Everything posted by Bananas

  1. cookies... are we talking chips a hoy or oreo...
  2. loved the red on the wheels... was that freehand pinstrips tape or a kit
  3. spiderman 3 looks better that superman....
  4. if the weather ever hold out we may get another late night of riding in... hell we might just get to ride that would be fun in itself
  5. The second R1 picture seems more of what it should look like. Seems like a lot of the R6 and teh M1 are in this bike... not bad I think
  6. lets see you do a stand up one now....
  7. That ZX6 is really good looking.. better that the 10 or 636
  8. Pedro.. your lucky i put your jacket back by then... or it would be sticky now.
  9. I can see it... You do know it is a shark, not a shark HELMET Rod
  10. RAM ROD.. I am getting the bug.
  11. Looks like something I thought that putty did with my Harley... I was glad to hear it come around the corner
  12. Who is this LUIS guy, I thought the guy with us all weekend was named PEDRO. I know no LUIS.. only PEDRO... And yes you were so cool that you drank 4 gallons of water at dinner. Yes I got hold of your jacket and I felt cool wearing it.
  13. OK its time for some new pics for 2007. If you see any for any bike out there lets start posting them.
  14. Your in OHIO... the weather never changes, does it
  15. Bananas

    220 mph

    Meat is on the ball today... see what a weekend away will do to him...
  16. HAY MEAT>> ya I needed that white hugger... that was funny
  17. Sounds like a good story to hear someday putty
  18. Really... They just said on the news that there not sure what killed him the lightning or the crash..... does it mater.... he's dead
  19. Helmets shoud be worn by the althelets that have a strong neck and the money to waste on 700 dollar helmets.... Mine only cost 499
  20. That sucks... ebay needs some better way to take action on shit like this
  21. Lemosley01..... point taken and understood. But come on they were funny..
  22. Ok boys and girlsÂ… My bitchÂ… Satan was nice enough to create this web site for us and a lot of people from Columbus Racing has joined and seem to have a lot of fun here. I first want to thank you SATAN. Now it seems that some people (JOHN) have had a problem with my signatures that I had a friend post to see what one I liked. There where 3 up there and I was to choose 1 and delete the other 2. Well Johnnie Law seemed to have a problem with those signatures. He claims that (He couldnÂ’t look at the site while he was at work because he was afraid that someone may walk by and see the pics and report him). So what does he do...? He reports me... What a puss... Instead of just calling me and asking me to take one of the pics down that he may have had a problem with; he starts this whole bullshit about what is proper and what isnÂ’t on OhioRiders. Look, when youÂ’re at work you should be working, not looking at the net. This whole thing of you being a cop is going to your headÂ….. Now youÂ’re trying to be a cop in here. Maybe you need not to be a moderator, maybe you need to just step back from the whole law and order shit and come back to earth. The only one who had a problem with those pics was you. I really think its time for you to take you gun and badge and go play cop somewhere else. You never had a problem with any of Putties, Sinastar or even Ich Bin der Teufel pics (signatures) while on CR and if you did you couldnÂ’t do a thing about it. I have popped on there and seen many signatures worse than mine. So why donÂ’t we go back to that and resign you MODERATOR position. I now this may sound harsh to some of you and I am sorry but IÂ’m tired of spineless people. If this gets me kicked off of here then truly my loss, I really enjoy the site but I needed to get this off my chest. GROW UP man.
  23. Ya it is a litttle sticky
  24. Just wanted to know how the ride was tonight?h
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