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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Is the cell with foam and/or sending unit?
  2. Been following that since it happened on a couple boards. Tragic? Yes. Without fault? No. Punishable? Yes. http://zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070904/UPDATES01/70904015/1002/NEWS01
  3. Ha welcome. I am also from Zanesville, live in Pataskala, and play in Columbus. (lived in Newark for 5 years, hince my screen name)
  4. Jerry never was the clean comedian a lot of people know from the telethons.
  5. Locked. Feel free to start another thread, and please read and follow some simple rules to sell items here.
  6. Strike 1: Cars for sale go in the Corral section. Strike 2: Read the Section Rules. List a price or the ad will be deleted.
  7. A dog chewed up my laptop battery charger. Here are the specs on the charger: Input - 100-240v, 50/60 Hz Output - 18.5V, 3.5A HP P/N is 409843-001, but as long as the specs and plug match, it's cool. I tried to buy one off of Ebay 3 days ago, but the seller's PayPal account is hosed, and I can't wait for him. Please let me know if anyone has one they can part with and a price. Here's what it looks like - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110160864411&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=001
  8. It's actually my dad's 92. http://nurkvinny.com/images/Vehicles/Dad/1992_Corvette/92Vette2.JPG
  9. The only reason this made the news was because of their connection with Marine training.
  10. Damn, you're right. The shame with that day was I fixed the misfire the next morning, and it ran 50% better than when he test drove it. I had it running bettter for like 5 days, then it sold . I only got to feel what those cars should run like for less than a week.
  11. P.S. when folks are bored, try 7-card Draw, $.50 anties, with 2's and A's wild, every other hand being Fuck Your Neighbor using 4 stacks of $.30. Mix in good food and Amstel Light. Goodnight.
  12. Are you drunk? You said, "mods on here won't let old threads get dug up for some reason." This was my only reference to using a name... to use mine. So, WTF is this, "Oh, and everyone knows my name is Ben. Its listed under "First Name"."? As for, "Uhm, because you locked the last one???????"... yep, I sure did. The same as we would lock any 3 year old thread that was dug back up.
  13. You can name me by name, Ben. It's cool. I guess I don't understand how you can't see my logic in locking a 3 year old thread. Nothing to do with Joe; I've never even met him. Like I said in the PM... start a new thread. Woopty. Yay. And why all the INB4DALOCKYO's? This is the kitchen.
  14. I moved it. Good luck on your sale.
  15. Nothing happened. I sold the lifted truck outright for more than I had in it Monday. I traded the Ranger for what I bought it for last year. The Silverado is a cheap '99. Just shrunk the fleet slightly. Still needed to have a truck around to pull the trailer and boat. Now my insurance is less, I only have one set of truck plates to renew in a few months, and I have 5 more g's in my pocket for a DD search.
  16. nurkvinny

    Theif Hurt

    Good story, but "the real deal" should have been aimed at his temple while being ordered to the ground.
  17. Traded in to Matthews Ford in Heath, towards this. http://www.nurkvinny.com/images/Vehicles/Trucks/1999_Z71/DSCN0579Med.jpg
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