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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. The cops were called out to the location; they didn't happen to find him.
  2. Even I admit that if I sit down to a burger at AppleBees, it would be strange to see a rifle draped over someone beside me (though, I would just tell him, "nice gun, man"). This man was out in the country walking with his son, where there are actual wild threats.
  3. I don't like the fact that, Of those who crossed party lines... "Nevada Sen. Harry Reid (Reid only voted no for procedural reasons, so that Democrats can call up the provision later on)"
  4. Can't wait to hear him discuss how unreasonable I am for not wanting to have more 'sensible' laws put in front of me to jump through, when his administration has the worst-ever record on enforcing existing ones. Prosecute 44 out of 76,000 (this only in 2010) people caught lying on federal background checks... preach how we need more background checks.
  5. I am going to create CRoins. I am going to make the first 500,000 myself before I make my idea public, and limit the total that can ever be mined to 1,000,000.
  6. Sadly, that is from another "member's" album.
  7. And then there was the "gunman" lockdown in Milwaukee today. Bet this has been a great 24 hrs for you...
  8. Who... ever... said anything close to that? We need a law that prevents mentally ill citizens from owning a weapon. Oh, we have several. Now, figure out how to enforce them.
  9. I am sorry you feel that way. One has history, facts, court law, and common sense on his side (hardly a clown), while the other has a hands-off, someone else will take care of me philosophy on his. No "new" ideas need to come to the gun debate table. New ideas need to come to the mental illness debate table, the every-kid-is-popping-meds debate table, and the stop trying to pass new laws when you refuse to enforce the current laws debate table.
  10. I'm assuming hme as well, but by foreigners.
  11. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/3703644614.html
  12. I just realized his address reads, "opium companies drive"
  13. I didn't say I was surprised, and I assume anyone paying any attention at all already knows what you're saying. What I can do, however, is spread this story and hopefully be a tiny little part of the company losing $80,000,001 dollars because of it.
  14. Discuss, class. Company debates leaving NY. Company gets $80,000,000 dollar contract. Happy, happy union voters. http://www.wham1180.com/pages/localnews.html?article=11042313#ixzz2QIUUR0GJ
  15. When Andy comes out, do you need to have the car washed first?
  16. I got really excited when I found a TL1000 today for 2500. 72,000 miles.
  17. Alpha Star Tactical is also $15. https://www.facebook.com/AlphaStarTacticalFirearms
  18. Keep oven... finally remove all trolls?
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