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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Item: IK-217893 Sold Out Item: IK-212176 Sold Out
  2. http://files.sexyandfunny.com/photos/img_orig/img5191eab05d676.jpg
  3. Please don't ask me to make an offer on your gun without detailed info being sent to me first. Thanks
  4. I carried Dad's 38 for a while and finally gave it back to him. I miss it. Looking for a carry revolver. Open to different makes and models. PM me if you have something. Thanks
  5. I avoid the actual mall area. South in the Giant Eagle strip mall is a decent Mexican joint, an OK Chinese place, an awesome Pizza buffet, and a wing joint owned by a CR member. You have Champs, Smokey Bones, Red Robin, Logans, and a couple others all bundled together. Even though I work in Easton, I venture up to Westerville for Lucky House Chinese once a week.
  6. They're tight. Tight enough you think something is wrong and are afraid to try any harder, I bet. That's how mine were. It still takes a very firm grip and quick motion to remove.
  7. E3 plugs made my tractor barely run. Joke plugs are a joke.
  8. Semi-auto was serious business.
  9. We should have laws against shooting random people in public with guns.
  10. Me thinks the end is nearer and nearer.
  11. This and a ton of other gun ads were found cleaning out my grandfather's things. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/IMG_zps6c621d3d.jpg
  12. Buy $400 S-10. Remove parts. Rattle can wheels. Profit.
  13. You tell your sis that her drinks are on me if she ever heads this direction. Bravo. (But I don't want to see her stub)...
  14. I am selling a SoloFlex. All the attachments, bands, demo chart, etc.
  15. I got my own vendor's license at 18 for $10. I set up my Jegs and NAPA dealer accounts the next week. Really though, getting started and legal is the easy part.
  16. Money wasted on a fancy wedding day is better spent on honeymoons and homes. We had ours in a tiny country church out by The Wilds. Couple hundred people at the Knights of Columbus Hall... everyone happy.
  17. Unless Able replaced the upper half of that structure along with a new roof, the idiots are those who built the garage.
  18. So, who built the garage? It imploded by stacking shingles on top? Did she actually *get* a new roof?
  19. Those moms are out there among us. I am proud to know a couple.
  20. I have shot hundreds of guns, firing 10's of thousands of rounds, over 2+ decades... I've never hunted with them; I've never killed a person with them. Please tell me how my guns have only been used for killing. Thanks.
  21. I don't know; but my sister isn't. I won't go into details, but this has been a Hell week for the family, and talk about icing on the cake...
  22. Yep. Latest is things are about 5hrs behind and anyone who saw anything is being questioned.
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