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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. I've exploded both. "but building for down the road is the goal" There's your answer.
  2. No. Some dude that thinks he knows how to build an RX7, plow, and lay concrete.
  3. Derek exceeded my expectations and went above and beyond. However, the caliber of people he forced me to wait with in the waiting room was disappointing. I would have expected a little more filtering on who they allowed in their waiting room at 8am on a Friday.
  4. I do not remember posting that. Yet, I approve.
  5. I didn't even know Mr. Prior was in a band. Impressive.
  6. Hellllllllllllllllllllllll yeeeeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  7. http://ts4.explicit.bing.net/th?id=H.4959296545030939&pid=15.1
  8. Mr. Pilot asked all the right stuff. What are you wanting out of the gun? What do you want to use it for? Will this be your only handgun? Knowing your Q's about the P90... it's a great gun, but you wouldn't want to tuck it down your pants everyday. I do, however, feel quite comfy with the .45 and .38 within reach every night. Ha, you beat me by 1 minute.
  9. Yep, I understand that argument. I also understand people survived for 1000's of years with far fewer regulations, while eating far more "icky" meals. If I ever get to the point that I can't obtain my own meal, and someone goes out of their way to help me, then I will thank them over and over and curse the person that gets in the way.
  10. Thank you. You get funny. Many fail at this.
  11. An agency, paid for solely with tax dollars, just got in the way of people helping their fellow man (with their own non-tax dollars), only so the shelter could then feed those people in need with food provided to them by more tax dollars. This has nothing to do with food safety (remember, the meat was prepared at a licensed slaughter house), and has everything to do with keeping the tax money flowing. This is only my opinion. The problem... is when you step back and see the impact that policies written in some little manual have on real life. These hunters for the hungry / hunters for homeless programs have been around in most states much longer than these BS policies have been. To keep it simple - 6400 (using 1/4 lb) burgers just got pitched because 1 person complained about a program that has been helping that community for years. Maybe instead of pitching it, you post a disclaimer to those willing to eat it (for free). Or, you contact the group that donated it, and have them take it back. Government policy just prevented good people from helping people. That is not their role. Or, IMHO, shouldn't be.
  12. Ruger stopped making new ones in 2010, so your only option is a used gun site like Armslist or gunbroker. And hey, it only holds 7, so your Obama-approved!!! Oh, and even though I don't think the .45 model name implies it, the KP90 is a de-cocker model.
  13. Post again when you find it for us, mmk?
  14. Not if you know how to prepare it. :gabe:
  15. I am tempted to lock it. I may have the most boring answer. Start a college fund for 3 kids to use in the future. Pay the mortgage down 20 or 30 grand. Take a nice vacation.
  16. They're very similar looking. The P90's are going for $375 (rougher ones) to $450ish if they have holsters, some ammo, etc. That was a couple months ago before the latest round of anti-gun BS, but the above is probably still pretty close for the stainless models.
  17. Good people hunt, handle the processing costs of, and donate 1600 lbs of deer to a local shelter... only to have a pencil pusher order it disposed of because of 1 complaint to their agency. I hate government more and more every day. http://www.kmsstv.com/news/homeless-shelter-shreveport-forced-throw-out-1600-pounds-deer-meat
  18. I honestly don't know. The one in the pic is a P90 .45.
  19. Dad gave up his Stingray when he went to Vietnam. I made him buy and restore his own damn Vette.
  20. Thanks for the replies. I have no problem driving that far if the alignment is somewhere close after putting the new ends on. Counting threads works... sometimes.
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