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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/320951_10151333415099404_1725744375_n.jpg
  2. Looks like it holds too many shells.
  3. Had my little Ruger and big Ruger out tonight. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/DSCN7413_zpsa15c6bcb-1_zpsc71cb74e.jpg
  4. Not a mixup. When Mazda relocated its plant here, it was only 5 minutes down the road from the defunct Caddy plant. The two owners went drinking and golfing, and hence...
  5. If someone drive it to Pataskala, we can use my guns, and my ammo, and film an epic CR TV dies video.
  6. That, or your cock was leaning the wrong way.
  7. Yep, the posted target is what I've used for a while. It's still general, and nothing is better than repetition.
  8. Numrich I think is the spelling. Thats the only place I found some parts for some older guns Im playing with at the moment.
  9. Hours of 380 vs 9 videos out there. If I find a 380 I like, I would buy one. If it helps, my M&P 9c is no pocket pistol, but with the right IWB holster, it's great. When I want something to throw in my chest pocket or jeans, I just grab the Walther TPH. Again, everyone (me included) knows the limitations of a .22, but do you want to get shot with 6 of them?
  10. Needs slicks and a 1/4 mile.
  11. I blame rappers from the 80's and spray tan shore idiots from the 00's.
  12. http://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/226/text?q=h.r "amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against tax for surrendering to authorities certain assault weapons... there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter an amount equal to $2,000. "
  13. I've had zero problems finding 45s or 9s. It's the price that is the suck. Bulk 22 has been a bitch on and off. Where did you look? (Oh yeah, and have you not read any gun threads in the last couple months???)
  14. Every place I've stopped this past week ( 2 Walmarts, Vances, and Buckeye ) all had 9 on the shelf. Are you looking for something specific?
  15. Passed this on to my Ford freak buddy that's been slamming Ford trucks since his teens... maybe he'll have a lead for ya.
  16. " Thanks to stick-in-the-mud buzzkilling state legislators, this cannot be delivered to the following states: Illinois Massachusetts Michigan New Jersey Washington DC"
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