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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. nurkvinny

    O H

    Did the BTN vs Dish Network BS get resolved?
  2. It's "everything". Arts, crafts, food, guns, tools.
  3. I have smoked $.25 cigars. I have smoked $30 cigars. The following morning I would have paid $50 to never have smoked them.
  4. My dream bike for a long time. Any other time in my life... Bump for what seems like a Hell of a deal.
  5. Oh yes, the party that is pro-women. Shows it by making its keynote speaker ------- > Bill Clinton.
  6. More importantly, has anyone else noticed this frightening trend....... the past few weeks worth of updates on Wicked Weasel's Bikini Contestants have been very lackluster.
  7. Just one more perk of working your ass off when you're young.
  8. Throw ObamaCare in the nearest trash can. Open up drilling. Shorten well fair benefits and restrict the requirements.
  9. Meh. Scripted, pre-approved Q&A is scripted and pre-approved.
  10. Nope. No problem adding *some* cash. I am not in any city, out in the farmland boonies.
  11. Let's say someone handed you a $400 card to Gander, aimed you at the handguns, and said, "go buy something." You want something you can shoot for fun in the back yard, carry occasionally, shoot cheap, or semi-cheap. What do you pick?
  12. I hated - hated - the tests, and I was historically an awesome test-taker.
  13. I was just walking in from the garage, realized how beautiful of a night it is, remembered Neil, and thought how the moon appears to be at "half mast" tonight. RIP
  14. Back in the day (yes, yes, that is a Polaroid scanned into a PC) http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/73410_141930879190041_197599_n.jpg
  15. nurkvinny

    Coming Home

    Way to skip out on 1000 diaper changes. Enjoy every minute with him and your mrs (as if I or anyone else needed to tell you that.)
  16. Firefox add-ons means no downloading RealPlayer
  17. Previous GTA owner here. 87 5.7 red. Miss it. Couldn't believe you still had the smog eqpt until I read the mileage.
  18. Some reading material - http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73347&highlight=chiropractor
  19. So, what are your issues? I have been through several years of back issues now, and there is nothing a chiropractor did I couldn't have learned from Youtube, and I gave them a genuine chance.
  20. I firmly believe they will be roasting in Hell for a very long time.
  21. Really like the main characters. Will d/l for free.
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