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Posts posted by QueenBee

  1. I love chipotle!!!! I was at the first original sight in Tamarac Colorado openning night. Fatening or not damn its good. However, a big mac is the bomb also. But we are not comparing apples to apples here. FAST FOOD SIGN ME UP!

  2. Ill be their looking forward to camping. Last year was a blast hope more peolpe do it. What a party. Their are CLEAN bathrooms with showers also on the camp grounds.

    Not sure if pops is going to make it. He has been doing this since I was a little girl. He has never missed a year except for when I got married. That was isn't even worth it. It wont be the same without him. I hope he is comming.

  3. Looks like I missed out on an amazing experience...

    However, not to fret, I had an amazing experience of my own.

    Whilst helping someone move (the friend of the girl that I'm dating) their heavy, solid-oak furniture sourced from Amish Country, I managed to do the following:

    Get hit in the head with a Chest of Drawers (no concussion, or blood... Just a big-azz knot).

    Bruise a forearm from lifting an Armoire with those dammed Forearm Forklift Straps (They rock by the way).

    Witness said armoire begin to fall downstairs, but not to worry... My now slightly less swollen left hand broke it's fall.

    What the hell! Thank god you didn"t get hurt or your riding season would have come to an end. Well you did miss out but many more Ohioriders events to come.:)

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