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Posts posted by BlackC50

  1. ok, this kid sounds like a total tool and honestly i just think that you are wasting your time and gettin yourself into something that could cause some problems. just my .02 but hey ya never know, the kid could be tell the truth? YEAH!!! I will believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert!
  2. Well the fluid wasn't that bad, there was a little bit of shit in the bottom of the pan and it smelled like normal tranny fluid. What happens is If i keep on accelerating it shifts gears fine, but if i let off the throttle and then go to hit it again it falls out of gear and just revs, if i keep the rev to about 4500 rpms it hooks again and takes gear.
  3. My bad, Mr Tint is still in business, I went by the other day and the Mr Tint logo was off the front window and they had signs up for like lumar tint or something like that so...i thought they got bought out.
  4. I have been having problems with my transmission lately of it not wanting to stay in Overdrive. I drained the fluid and put a new filter on and it still is acting up. Its weird because if i stay acelerating it does fine but if i let of the the throttle then hit it again it falls out of gear, anyone know why this could be happening?
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