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Posts posted by BlackC50

  1. I am a H.O.G. and it is more than a "see what you've done" club. Last year for the 105th, me, my wife, father and mother in law all went up to Milwaukee and got into a bunch of exclusive H.O.G gatherings. That's the real reason to have it, is being able to do a bunch of different events put on by H.O.G and also you do get to meet A LOT of people. There was guys from Germany and other European countries last year at the 105th we partied with. I'm not a life member but I just renewed for 2 years. If you do plan on doing a lot of traveling to different events it is well worth it cause you get free roadside service also that comes in handy. I usually take at least one big trip every year and I like to know I can call roadside service if something goes wrong.
  2. Hey guys! Looking for a intake and carb for a SBF. Really just looking for just about anything. Hit me up and let me know what you have and want to get rid of. Good quality only, not something has been sitting a garage for 30 years. Really want something I can plug and play with...only thing I need to get my car back in running order. Thanks!!!!!
  3. Yea...Wal-Mart drives me insane. I will not step foot in that store. Rather pay a few extra bucks at Kroger, Giant Eagle, Meijer, any of them instead of spending it at the anti-christ superstore.
  4. I didn't really even know Kenny and I can't stop thinking about it. It could have been anyone riding or anyone driving. Terribly unfortunate and we definitely don't need to lose anymore of the CR clan. Like said before one is far too many. Everyone keep their heads up, be safe, and keep Kenny and his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
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