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Posts posted by Angrish

  1. Weird,But I hardly know anyone on here and could give a shit.Most of the threads are agruments anyway.Its kinda like living in the USA with obama as pres!!!!

    One more thing ALMOST everyone talks about how you or I should ride Or are quick to judge on what ppl wear when they ride,Get over it?!?!?!I use the site when I miss my soaps ....Its like I never missed a thing!!!

  2. I'm sure I probably would Angrish, I'm just not interested in the hillclimbing sport. No need to punch back man, I didn't say ALL (100%) that are there are TPT. :p:lol: You would be one that wouldn't be. Since when did you become so sensitive Angrish? :lol: I remember you and I agreeing most of the time in the past.

    We still do I'm just givin you shit!!!And these fukkin court ordered pills I have to take Damn its tuff to get mad anymore!!:rulez::wtf:

  3. Shitty, Ohio rocks has some of the richest history of all the states. And the other casino's are in bad weather areas also. I think they are trying to keep ppl from ohio in ohio. I'm pretty sure we are more populated than WV or Indiana,and even kentucky.I lived out west for a while the weather is a little better and the ppl are the worst,Most of them are ppl from the east coast that thought the grass is greener on the other side ......that only works with cattle!!And most of them can't make on the west coast either.Just look at the avg crime rates in warmer climate cities across the US its crazy!

  4. I heard of this and that would be funny. :cool: I'm not interested though because of the crowd. I grew up near Oregonia and never had the drive to go.

    Really!!?? The crowd???? You would fit in believe me, Between your mouth and weight class we could lose you in the crowd! Oh wait you riding that Kaw makes all the diffference in the world.:lol: Just punchin back I plan on being in the "crowd"!!Never know nick you might have a good time.

  5. Someone find me a dealer that'll let me overnight test a $20k vehicle without anything down... I'll shop there. I've got a lot of errands I can run at night on the dealers gas and insurance.

    I have done it a few times a Dick Mashter Ford on hamilton rd ......But I also bought a few trucks from them........One of the cars was a mustang didnt buy it but they let me drive it for a coulpe days till I decide what I wanted

    Ask for Chuck Stanley hes a hell of a good ol boy hooks me up all the time.Saved me over 12,000 dollars on my new:) F-250 2008

    But with that atitude I doubt you'll get a free ride!?!?

  6. Straight answer?

    You're bitching because someone else bought a car that you wanted. PERIOD.

    How do you know the uncle didn't see it on the internet just like you?

    If your bike is posted on craigslist does that mean you can't sell it to one of your buddies?

    :lol::lol::rulez: good stuff Zach

  7. Becarful in ashville,Please stay off of private land, This is the reason they are keep shuting down riding area's. And honestly someone cuts across the wrong piece of land could very well get someone put in jail or even hurt.Some of these farmers out here set up camras for deer and shit and they will turn ppl in.Even worse if the catch you its either shotguns or big pissed off dogs.If you dont have permission to be there you shouldnt -it fuks it up for the rest of us that go to riding areas or buy land of our own.:rulez:

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