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Everything posted by Angrish

  1. This is going to be weird and funny.......Quacker Steak & Lube <me.Is holding a ride to raise money for Ohio Law Enforcement Officersss. 2 women officerssss were hit by a drunk while riding..........long story short they need $$$$ Breakfast buffet 8:30 to 10:30 am...$5 we go to A.D. Farrows ,Iron penis,C-bus Motorsports And big dogs I think.1st bike out at 10am last bike in at 3pm gives you lots of time to drop off bike get drunk and watch the game. If your in to that sort of thing. Plus we get to ride w/ police ...I can't wait this is going to be a blast:metal: Its also for a good cause. So if you want to ride but you have afternoon plans you can still get in on this!!! Hope to see ya there.Also they are doing some kind of aution and giving prizes away. Try to wear blue and white....I'll be in the white w/ black strips!!hahah
  2. I have one "250" trying to get rid of it ....1800.00 takes it 2700 miles my wifes bike.She won't let me ride it "you'll just tare it up!!" oh well she still likes it !!
  3. Hahahahahah:lol: Depends on if its steel or not.....and its stock right? Would you only change the chain in a timing gear for a car and not everything else chain and gears?Anybody can get 10,000 miles out of a chain and sprocket "steel only" and never went over 7,000 rpm....Look very close at your sprockets If you ride hard it will hook and be unsafe.
  4. Angrish

    Oct 6 Run

    Are you going to tell us where we end up?
  5. I have a air brush kit W/ compressor everything you would ever need .....for sale to! pm me
  7. I can't wait . The last ride I was on Was I think a beemer ride ...good times....:grin:
  8. I have a 06 f-150 I've put 2 bikes in it a few times. Worked like a champ plus I have the 56" bed 4 door. (trailers are better) IMO.
  9. Angrish

    Qs&l 10-3-07

    Don't worry guys shit floats!!!
  10. I am going to try to show up. Hopefully some of the ruff ryderz will show up. They are always fun to ride w!!!
  11. Whatever cop lover!...plus cops do drunk hunt!ha:burnout:
  12. I was going to anyway......
  13. You never break the law??????? Plus you should be giving pops son more shit he really put ppl at risk ..but yet we are going to give somebody a hard time for bitching about catching a "normal" ticket.I guess there are really 2 "SIDES" to every story.
  14. Fusion you are strange. Thanks for that. Sad is if you are a cop. Ludefreak said it best take it on the chin and move on. Laws are great untill you pick on the very ppl you are suppose to serve.This country has more laws than anywhere in the world....but yet its a free country I'll speed and cops will get "lucky" when they catch me.And let me tell you they are not as lucky as they think <<<<thats was funny come on!!!
  15. Thats a top fuel bike ....I don't think you guys have seen one in real life. Very respectable and really crazy ..They dip into the 5 sec mark and carry the front tire more that 800 feet. Thats a cheap price to kill yourself!! There are no bikes hanging at the warehouse that wants or could fuk w/ that .
  16. Angrish


    I could go for 1.My young lady friend shouldn't care .....maybe I'll p.m. you in a day or so. I'm getting married so she is got me doing a bunch of shit.So aaaa yea I'll hit you up.
  17. I would say honda. Plus your wanting to stay cheap right? This guy I rode w/ at a couple AMA rides had a 94 w/ close to 60,000miles and never had to do any major motor work.He also took really good care of it soooooooo roll the dice and see what happens. I would bet the honda IMO was better taken care of. VFR's have mostly older riders than that uki you were looking at.But at 2000 bucks either bike would be a good time.IMO which means:monkeypoo: honda's rule
  18. Thats the pic I was looking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
  19. NO NO NO let him go just tell everyone when he's going to be there and lose the police for a min.see if he ends up like your boy>
  20. I took a few days off ....NOt feeling good;) About going to work, Anyway call me when your off we'll take a couple of orbits around town....
  21. Hey don't be rude I from the east side!!Why do think my shoes match my socks asshole.
  22. Well we always new you were out there!!!
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