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Posts posted by JaronsToy

  1. I recently changed jobs and I'm now paid mileage rather than being provided a company truck, and so I bought a brand new Civic. I bought exactly the car I wanted (sport trim, manual trans, 1.5 Turbo, hatchback) in the metallic color I wanted. Was tough to find without ordering and waiting 3 months and I had to jump through some hoops to get this one. It came in a little over a week ago (made in the UK so some transit involved) and I took delivery without issue.


    Have not made my first payment yet, and when I went to wash it last weekend, I found a pretty significant drip / bubble in the clearcoat on the hatch, maybe 2 or 3 inches vertically. I did not notice it when we took delivery as our inspection was inside under shitty service​ bay lights.


    Long story short, took it into the dealer Monday and left it with them, as I was in Florida for training until late today. I called the dealer before they closed to get an update tonight, and I was told the Honda rep visited the dealer yesterday (Wednesday) and confirmed the defect, and suggested the detail guys give it a go.... I wasn't part of this process or discussion obviously, as nobody called me. What they're telling me is that it "mostly buffed out, but not quite" and that they wanted me to come take a look. To me this means there is not enough clear left to polish the rest of the defect away. It was implied that any further improvement would require repainting the hatch.


    Neither answer is really okay I feel like, given that I paid for a new car without issues, burnt through clear, or dealer body shop applied paint. Not sure what a reasonable answer is, but am considering giving them the car back and having them source another one identical.


    I am planning to go see it after work tomorrow, but just wanted some other opinions. Just got off a plane and the whole issue was bugging me for the duration of the 2 hour flight. On one hand it's just a Honda Civic and just a daily, but on the other hand it's a brand new car I'm paying for and a car that I like a lot.




    Have them fix it as new end of story

  2. Yes, I will send you a PM later this evening.


    Thank you if you want to add a gun forum also I know that's popular on here and I can mod that also it to would be a lot of fun especially being Ohio wide


    Hear from you soon again thank you

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