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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. Coool. Im pretty sure im gonna go boarding sunday... and maybe another day depending on if/when you go :D Maybe we should see if candace wants to go. ? ? ?

  2. At least your bike is in one piece. I still havent started puttin my shit back together. My freshly powder coated frame and wheels are just chillin in my basement. Once my new motor is built it will be more motivation to get her back together

  3. It goes well. Just sittin at work. How youuuu doing?

  4. I dunno... I mean 9/10 times i get on... there you are. :D

    So when you coming over for dindin and to see my new doggie!! ! ! ?

  5. Some other day is fine, I dont want ya to be rushed. I have a few people to go with sunday so thats no biggie. I am off thurs and fri. Its totally up to you. Joe left me a board to use, so I just have to go pick it up and hope that your booties fit

  6. Ahhh wonderful. The colors are sane again! :D

  7. Your new bike looks fantastic!!

  8. Chell... we are WAY over due for chicken wingys. Lets fix that :)

  9. Damn, you iz never on here anymore.... what you doing in my world? :)

  10. You guys all need to back up off my koolaid. MJ's uterus is MINE!!! :witching:


  11. YOU want ME to come to eat with you? Well ill try. As long as im in control of our ride!

  12. haha thats funny we werent even friends on here. Um, i will look at my work schedule tomorrow. We need to get down there and ride. OsuMJ wants to come and take pics. She dropped her camera kayaking, so I told her you would prolly let her snap some pics with yours... we just have to keep her away from large bodies of water :D

  13. Yea im sure finals are kicking your ass right now. BUT, after friday you can catch up on the ZzzZzzz's then have some fun!! :D Dont study too hard...

  14. What you doing to your bike?

  15. Are you using the motorcyclewishlist site? its pretty sweet how you can set it up

  16. If you ride hard Id go with the power pilots. Ive never used those, but Im pretty sure its a harder tire. Wont be as sticky

  17. I slammed some hamburger helper. It was delicious! I actually crushed up some nacho cheese doritos on top of it. OMG that was a great idea. So so tasty. I want to try your chicken that has been assisted! !

  18. K, I gots to put my next victim in the MRI and ill give ya a call

  19. Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer, sticking little white flowers all up in her hair.

    Such a classic! :D

  20. Ah, I was wondering why the swing arm was just chilling there :D

  21. you can make a wishlist specifically with all you want, ie size and color, then email it to relatives for christmas/bithday or when ever. Its just sweet cuz you know you will get the right thing cuz you picked it! :D

  22. Yes we are doing it! Duh!

  23. Yea I know what you mean on it trying to walk out. I have railed pretty hard on a 250. The forks need some work before it feels really steady, but most bikes do

  24. what do you want in your signature? I will hook ya up mang

  25. Your roller blade story makes me laugh... Like for real out loud. WOwowow.

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