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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Fleeing is a VERY serious offense in the eyes of the law, VERY SERIOUS! I was in the same boat 2 years 8 months and 10 days ago, but whose counting. I believe the max sentence is three years in prison, I was lucky to not have to go to jail, well I went for 5 days... But thats nowhere near 18 months. I want to write a letter, but if they look up my record, I dont think they would take it very seriously. Best of luck to you guys!

  2. I found that earplugs really helped with the spook factor. At first I thought, well if I put earplugs in I wont be able to hear the bikes coming. You can still hear most bikes, and when youre getting passed its sofaking loud youre gonna hear it! I think the volume of the exhaust is what freaks most people out. I remember the first time I got smoked on the back straight doing about 135. A liter bike passed me and I about shit my pants!! :monkeypoo:

    I dont think the speed of the passing rider is what scared me, Im pretty sure its just the volume! Thats just my opinion tho, Im a newb at the track. This is my first year out there, but its the best decision I have ever made. It has made me such a better rider. :D

    Thanks for all the goods words of advice lizard! You will have to follow me around a few laps on monday and give me some help where you can!

  3. fuck you man gravel =lowside as far as i am concerned. see you at ten, then at quaker and we will see who is scared of gravel... let the good times roll, on two wheels biatch....tell your mom too come too. She will like me i promise!... EAT SHIT TWICE :slap::wheeliezx10:

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