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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Forgot I snapped these real quick. I was just looking through my phone and started laughing. Only one or two other people actually saw this happen and I doubt one of them even remembers it - (Karriey) :wink:



    In the last picture I remember Ben being sad cuz he always use to beat his brother's ass and he got owned this time! :lol: Ha Good times!

  2. Yes, you guys need to get out! Its always a good time. Never a dull moment, unless the flounder is talking... Damn it. Now look what I went and did. :dunno:

  3. Whats with all the picking on the yellow kid? I dont get it, Satan is making fun of me saying (pointing out) I cant spell. And deutch bag Aaron is calling me a shit head and brings up a valid point. I still havent washed that hat yet. :dunno:

    Deutch.. huh... does that mean I should by some wooden shoes ... you really cant spell for shit... :lol:

    GOD FUCKING DAMNIT Leave me alone with the spelling I know I am a retard. Eh fuck it.

    :funnyshit: That is retarded funny!!! HAha :lol::lol:

  4. :tits::devil:

    Pay no attention to the kids! :slap:

    :slap::flingpoo: Settle down killer. I can let you borrow the stuffed animal my dog humps if you need it. Or maybe the Asian guy will let you borrow his blow up Jenna, or maybe his fleshlight....as long as you clean it before it is returned :)

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