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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. damn, I hope its not only nati. That would be gay. But nati draft isnt as bad as cans haha. There better be enough pizza. Im going right at nine! lol

  2. They only bike night as of now is at QSL Wednesday nights. We are planning to get another one going tho. :D

  3. Youre not gonna let me live down the garden gnome thing now are you!! lmao! Its ok, Ill ahve to think of a pet name, or um nic name for you! ;)

  4. Yes sir!! Off all day... :D :D :D :D

  5. Id love too but cant. I will be at the next one man.

  6. lmao! Totally forgot to send a reply. I took saturday and sunday off from the interwebz. Hmm, let me check prices... but hells yes Id love to go!!

  7. yes sir got you for two!! :D

  8. Did ya get in contact with Keith?

  9. Dooood thats so weird! I was gonna ask if you wanted to do a drain and fill in the morning before we left. No prob man! Come over in the morning whenever... 9 or 10 :dunno: Id like to ride with jordan a few laps... he said earlier afternoon. So if you are at my house by 10 we should be good

  10. Shit, sorry man forgot to call. I had my class last night and got side tracked. 614-746-3156 if you wanna call sometime today. Im in a meeting from about 1130-2 but am pretty free besides that. Later hater! :D

  11. 35 gen admin. Not bad. Who else you going with? Wifey?

  12. ok cool, she told me domestic draft so I just hope she knows what she is talking about. You know some women *cough* most *cough* dont know the beer situation very well. :lol:

  13. Well you are very welcome. Im a sucker for pits. Ive rescued a few. I currently only have one, Hes the only child for now. His name is Desmo. He is the best dog ever! :D

  14. I will show you new tricks anytime you like pumpkin!! ;)

  15. I am yotaman and I do what I can :banana:

  16. haha. It says youre in the toolbox! Thats awesome!! :D
  17. Hell yea man! HE is a GREAT guy. Im sure it looks great but Id like to see some pics! :D

  18. Ahhhh shit!!! I forgot no work for me either... That could be a crazy good time! I will try to get down and pic up a ticket asap!! So you wanna start a thread and see if others are interested?

  19. Nah boo... just a lil something in my throat I had to clear. ;)

  20. yea man have wifey grab me one! Thanks dude!!! :D :D

  21. im planning on going man! Im sure I wont do all that great cuz I havent been down there in weeks, but im going!!

  22. Well hells yes it is wonderful to rescue! :) There are too many dogs dying everyday to go out and support a breeder or a pet store. The thought of puppy mills makes me sick!!! :rant:

  23. Um, my grass needs cut. Is your birthday suit done at the dry cleaners yet? Pick it up and come on over.

  24. Excuse me... Im here to moderate the communication of you and lance?... BUT I need to know all the conditions. Has any surpriZe buttseck been involved? :dunno:

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