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Everything posted by Balian

  1. No we don't but if you have read the bible, it is that we didn't get the 10 commandments until sometime after humans were created. So that gave them their sense of fear. Before that, I am going to assume that men feared nothing. To show this, look at Adam and Eve. Adam was told to not eat the apple and the snake convinced him to do it. He didn't fear god like people do now. If he did, then he would have not eaten the apple.
  2. David. If you don't mind me asking, how is this your field of expertiese? Degree? Diploma?
  3. You know. I head about this on the radio yesterday. lol
  4. I think this stems up from the issue.... He was risen from the grave.... That right there makes people assume there is life after death. Just how it goes on and about is left up to the idividual.
  5. Exactly. One last point that I make is from what really turned me off of religion all together. I watched a family jump from two to three different types of religion. Christian, Baptist, etc....With so many diverse "types" of religion who is to say which is the right one? Watching this family shift from religion to religion only proved to me that as they are assuming that one religion is better, they really have no clue what is going one. Has anyone ever studied budism? Hell, in his teachings he tell his followers to NOT follow him in his ways. wtf?
  6. I am beginning to think that assumptions and faith go hand in hand on this topic. People have no logical proof of what is going on and therefore make the assumption of faith and that they must choose to follow it or choose to not follow it. I agree. We as humans are morons. Hell, we cannot even learn to drive without crashing as a whole.
  7. Yes, as a matter of fact I have read the Bible. Many times in fact. What gets to me is that there are so many different interpratations of it that it is hard to grasp it, depending on which version you read. But the thing is, so many people can write about anything and say it is from GOD and who would challenge them. Yea, I know this makes no sense as I cannot find a way to get my thoughts outta my head right now. lol
  8. One thing that makes me wonder is how do we know if the Bible was not just some fictional piece of work written by the Steven King of that time. This is just one proof that we people have faith in something that they cannot prove.
  9. You have a good point.
  10. You know. That is a lot of reading and I really only gotten to half of it before I skipped to the bottom. I think this might be contraversial here, but I think both science and religion can prove themselves with the help of each other. Basically what I am saying is that you cannot have one without the other.
  11. Rolla. If you need pics, I have a camera and I can swing out there and take some for ya.
  12. 180 dollar system? Matt, this isn't a regular Xbox. You cannot even touch a used 360 for less than 200 and that is the standard one. This includes the HD which is another 100 dollars, 3 games that are 59 each, and the memory card that is about 40. That equals a lot more than 180.
  13. I would race people if the people in my class weren't total idiots.
  14. I didn't get the premium system, but I do have a hard drive for it and a memory card. The games are: Need for Speed Most Wanted Oblivion with Strat Guide PGR - Project Gothem Racing
  15. Man, I feel your pain. Makes me want to start up my own contracting company doing cable just to kill the comp.
  16. If anyone feels like trading a complete nitrous system for an Xbox360, 3 games, memory, and hard drive?
  17. Anyone know? I have tried itunes, quicktime, media player, and a divX player. Doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
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