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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Okay, someone told me, a while ago as I already forgot, who is the guy on here who does the good jobs at painting stuff? I finally got some pieces in that I need painted.
  2. Balian


    awesome info. Thanks guys.
  3. Sounds like we need to go hunting!
  4. +1 to this thread. I cannot stand it when people look at us like we are mad because we want them to speak english. I can understand if you just moved here and you are trying to learn, but seriously, the people I meet have been here have lived here for years. Back in Texas, I went to a bank to cash my paycheck. Well I went up to the cashier, who started speaking Spanish to me. I can speak spanish, amoung a few other languages, but I choose not to. Well, she started speaking Spanish, and I stoped her and told her to speak English. She had the never to tell me that I should learn spanish and then preceded to curse me out in Spanish. WTF?? Funny how people make assumptions that others don't know a language because they have a preference to speak a certin language.
  5. i got like 20 more..Damn these things..They are multiplying.
  6. Yea, cannot go wrong with WOW..I love working for em..hehehehehehe
  7. I wonder how much Ebay is making on this one!
  8. Hahah...Sweet. Damn cops will get ya everytime. I am, however, surprised that he stoped for the cops. Most people I know that have cars like that wont even stop.
  9. Balian

    Starting over fresh

    It is all about the looks..lol
  10. Ya know. Sprint now has their new direct connect. To bad they screwed me on the service. I might have gotten it.
  11. Man, that is just wrong. These guys need to get a life!
  12. Alright..Flame me if you will. I went with Cingular. I went to the Nextel Store there in Easton, and the guy that was there when I was didn't really seem to care about the phones, the plans, or anything. So I got a bad impression. Went to Cingular and got a good camera phone and walked out happy.
  13. Well after getting screwed from Sprint with my newly aquired 850 dollar phone bill, and my susposed 4 new phones, I am switching to a different provider. Does anyone have Nextel? If so, how are the services? Any problems or concerns?
  14. Balian


    What are your thought or opinions on the Amsoil stuff? Is it as good as they say it is?
  15. how much are the mod chips joe? I was thinking of buying one.
  16. Does anyone know of a working PS2 emmulator, and if so, where I can find it? I want to play my PS2 games on my PC.
  17. HAhaha..I got a version of Bearshare Pro. Works good for me. I get songs in like 10 secs or less.
  18. WEll I used the, "My guages aren't working right..Worked for me. I got the judge and he let me off with an equipment violation..If anyone has ever seen my car at night, then they can see how I pulled that one off..rofl
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