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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Man, that sucks..Sorry to hear.
  2. Balian

    IT Crash

    Just got layed off and finding an job up in this city is a damn joke.
  3. Well I am not worrying about them. I quit that stupid ass job. I don't see the point in working for people that hide the truth to this extent.
  4. I tell you what..I was really desperate for a job, so I applied at CallTech. They were advertising that they pay their techs 9 an hr to start off with, which from what I have seen, isn't to bad anymore. Well I go there, apply, and get hired. Well funny how they forget to mention about how training only pays 42 dollars a day and that you wont get paid for a month until you complete the training..What a bunch of assholes they were!
  5. It could be as simple as WMP pointing to the wrong drive when trying to store the music for burning..Try changing the settings.
  6. You can get the NXT stuff at Autozone, Target, and maybe Walmart.
  7. I use nothing but NXT and my baby shines..
  8. Balian

    Zelda fans

    Man, that is the reason why I have so many one game systems..rofl
  9. Balian

    another hoax

    I didn't know you could buy UPS uniforms on ebay..lol
  10. http://www.gaownersclub.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_funny.gif
  11. Sprint Lube over on E. Broad St. by Krogers told me they were looking for people about a weeks ago. Try them.
  12. Damn..Someone has to warn me before they come back so I can make plans to be there..That sounds like a hella fun time.
  13. Balian


    HAhahaha..Well I know who I am taking my car to now. Thanks guys for the help.
  14. Balian


    Thanks. I will check them out.
  15. Balian


    Alright...Where is the best place to get dynoed and how much does it cost on average to do it?
  16. Yea, GT4 looks to be good. I might have to dust off the dust on my PS2
  17. Hahahaha..I am so going to have to go to a lan party with yall sometime and show ya the meaning of asswhopping.
  18. I guess I am going to have to get a demo and play that game to see how it is. And for the record, I am kinda hurt so I cannot move to much right now..lol
  19. Yea, UT2K3 and UT2K4 are the bomb also..lol
  20. Well? I am stuck on playing Need For Speed Underground. I have beaten that game so many times, but I have nothing else to play until Doom 3 comes out. I have beaten RTCW, and BF1942, but still NFSU is the best..rofl What about you guys?
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