My trusty EnV Is starting to become not so trusty, so It's time for an upgrade. I text a lot. I send picture messages a lot. I don't talk on the phone all that much, but call quality is important as well.
These are the phones I'm considering:
-Samsung Glyde . This seems like a really nice phone. Touch screen, slide out qwerty keyboard, small size. Good stuff. Anyone have this phone? Likes? Dislikes? How's signal reception?
-LG Dare . This seems like a truly pimp phone. Full touch screen, almost the same size as the Glyde, 3.2MP camera, built in image editing capabilities. The only thing that worries me is the on-screen keyboard. As much as I text I'm afraid this could be a problem. Also this phone is so new it's not in stores yet, so I can't try before I buy. Has anyone here used one of these? Likes? Dislikes?
-The last phone I'm considering is the 3G iPhone. Pretty much it's what the 1st iPhone SHOULD have been. BUT, does the 3G iPhone support A2DP? (Stereo bluetooth), and MMS(picture messaging.) Also this is a full touch screen phone with no real keyboard. Who else texts a lot? How is this phone to type on?