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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. Nope, and you're welcome. :fuckyeah: Also, that wasn't really me.
  2. Arg, I HATE when people ask that! If you don't like the price, offer what you're willing to pay and negotiate from there! Or in this case, just read.
  3. Going to AIM? And FYI, that Yugo 7.62x39 is corrosive.
  4. What did you just (try) to say?
  5. Ok, watched all 12 episodes and.... it just stops. There's an OVA that picks up after episode 12. Anyone have that?
  6. I was looking for a purple shockwave in the preview.
  7. JaSSon

    My AR build

    Yes, cleaned and lubed, well it was. Just went thru a few mags. Taped 6 coils together and installed the spring so those were at the end of the buffer tube. Rounds used: .223 PMC Bronze 55gr, 5.56 Federated XM193F 55gr M193 ball Unmodified carbine spring: already know it won't cycle the PMC .223, fed a full mag of the 5.56 Fed with 0 malfunctions. Modified carbine spring:similar malfunctions with the .223 PMC. Fed a whole mag of 5.56 Fed with 0 malfunctions, but did not lock bolt open when empty. I'm inclined to think it's not the spring, since the "lighter" spring actually performed worse with the 5.56. Also learned that the PMC bronze is crap.
  8. JaSSon

    My AR build

    I'm going to tape a few coils together to simulate a lighter spring. See if it cycles that way. The buffer itself has no markings at all. Weighed on a digital scale it reads 3.0oz.
  9. Super serious. And 120s are heavy! My cornhole went :lolguy: 5'11", 176, ~2.5 years.
  10. Was for the girl's Mazda. She's decided she doesn't meet one anymore.
  11. JaSSon

    My AR build

    Midlength spring mayhaps? Anyplace sell them locally?
  12. JaSSon

    My AR build

    Yeah, it's short stroking. 80% of the time it ejects the spent casing, but doesn't load the next round, 5% of the time it doesn't even eject the round, 10% of the time the round overshoots the feed ramps and ends up jammed to the point I have to drop the mag. Best it shot was 5 rounds in a row after a quick lube up. Went thru 4 mags (120rds) and the bolt never locked open on empty once. I'll check the buffer this weekend. You think I'd need to go to a lighter buffer? What size should the gas port be? I've read some are manufactured to .055" and spec was .065" for the carbine. People are using a 1/16" drill bit to take out just a bit of material. And that's on an identical barrel.
  13. JaSSon

    My AR build

    http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=XDSABK&name=DSA+Complete+Buffer+Tube+kit&groupid=53 That's exactly what I'm using. Just standard Milspec buffer and spring. I'm using a DD barrel and DD low profile gasblock. The barrel has a dimple on the bottom for alignment, so I'm pretty sure that's not the issue.
  14. JaSSon

    My AR build

    Gay. My gun won't cycle with inexpensive ammo. Ordered some 55gr PMC Bronze .223 for plinking. Some reading indicates the DD carbine barrels tend to have an under sized gas port. Looks like I'm going to have to drill it out a bit.
  15. Looks like he's got quite a bit of LMT stuff. Parhaps just his preference. When I did mine I tried to use as few manufacturers and as many parts from one manu as possible for simplicity and compatibility. :masturboy: I had fun with my build.
  16. wtf, why does e85 follow gasoline fuel trends?
  17. can someone re-up the vid or post an updated linkie?
  18. I've been working with dumb bells recently. Repping 100lb DBs on a flat bench. Next step up is 120lb. Tilly, can I get a lift off?
  19. I watched a few episodes, so far it's: Titties, panties, zombies, panic, baseball bat, motorcycle. In that order. Edit: Holy shit, Episode 6 is like an animated porno, wtf? Needs moar zombie killin, less crayola titties.
  20. So, what did it put down?
  21. Looks like a T-1000 learned a new trick.
  22. So he could photo shop it when he got home. Duh.
  23. I simply read it as he didn't need a 400whp "DD" and a 500whp fun car.
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