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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. I heard about that on a traffic report on the radio on my way in.
  2. I've heard several times that the incredibles have battery issues. Any issues here?
  3. Friend of mine has the droid. Every time she calls me I have to guess at half the shit she's saying. I blame Moto, not Google. MotoSlur.
  4. My parent's have an older Pioneer system that's just sitting around. Dolby Prologic reciever, tape deck, CD changer. It comes in a nice glass covered shelf... thingy. 2 large Pioneer 3-way floor speakers, model CS-R580. It had 2 surround speakers and a center channel, but those seem to have gone missing. I'll bet they'll let it go for not a lot.
  5. I damn near hit a dear on a buddy's Busa on Hague ave. I mean the I missed the fucker by inches. I turned around and rode straight back to his place.
  6. Interesting, shaft drive. I like that bike. I'd rock one, minus all the popo gear of course.
  7. Is it avilable locally?
  8. Gay.Just got off the phone with my insurance guy. He seems to think that with ~$1.5k-$2k in damage (mostly plastics) they'll repair it, but it's up to the adjuster. And apparently there is no such thing as accident forgiveness on a motorcycle.
  9. Bet not! If I owned an old ass Pontiac mini van I would want it to catch fire and be someone else's insurance responsibility.
  10. Anyone have any experience in this field? How difficult is it?
  11. That's more or less my plan, + more than likely some parting out. I'll call my agent tomorrow and figure something out.
  12. I <3 my iPhone, but it's none of Apple's business to tell someone HOW to code their app, as long as it runs alright. This whole Apple vs. Adobe thing is GHEY! If Adobe wants to take the time out of THEIR day to program up flash for the iPhone, eff-it, let 'em! Jobs does seem like a complete douche, but I didn't buy my iPhone because of him.
  13. JaSSon


    That cluster looks familiar!
  14. I found some Chinese ABS fairings on flea-bay for ~$575 shipped. They're available with various paint schemes... no Pearl Magma Red parts. And who knows if the Chinese fairings will even fit. So... I called ASK to get an idea of that I'd be looking at for new OEM: Upper fairing:$532, mid fairing:$216, Head light (the housing is cracked somehow! wtf, right?)$510, Shifter parts: $150. Doesn't even include any of the less important stuff (left frame fairing, engine cover, any little shit I missed). Sigh. ...I guess I could always plastic weld the fairings and have them painted.
  15. At the moment I'm leaning towards turning it over to insurance. I've been paying them for years and I have accident forgiveness, so my rates shouldn't go up. Plus, I think they'll replace my gear. What is the typical buyback amount for a motorcycle if they do total it out? And thanks for the concern, I'm alright. I just have a bruise on my left arm and some lite road rash (Thru my leather jacket!?)
  16. I got caught in the rain last night on my way home. My night ended badly. Damage seems to be limited to the nose fairing, the left side fairing, left side engine cover, and the shifter broke off the rear set. That's my real concern; the shifter. I can't get the bike in neutral. It appears that I can shift through the gears, but with some difficulty. I'm worried I might have bent a shift fork or something. If the trans is messed up, I'm turning it into my insurance. If not I'll prob just fix it myself. Is someone willing to let me bolt their rear set up to my bike and see if I can click through the gears alright? I'd really like to get this done today, so I can turn it into my insurance quickly if necessary. Thanks, Jason Edit: What do you think insurance would do if I turned it in? The front end did feel a little..soft on the ride home, but that could have been my nerves after a few cartwheels.
  17. I truely hope you can all figure my name out... Buy I also used to go by Droptop and FourPointSix. They both referred to my convertable Mustang GT. I still use FourPointSix on Xbox Live. Then there was FourPointSix Liters of Pee. That was a joke and only lasted about a week.
  18. JaSSon


    I call BS. The backlight in your display is on regardless.
  19. Yes, it's possible. Contact your grill manu for a conversion kit.
  20. HTML5 may be the future, but Flash is the NOW. I don't live in the future. Let me view flash!
  21. Brian, you need a dog! You could both use some training...
  22. Well, she does live with Mike...
  23. 1) Firewire is dead. 2)older charging cables won't work with newer iWhatever devices. You can probably just get a new USB cable for your HU and it should work. 3) Jail Break. 4) settings > Safari> enable autofill 5) doubt it 6) free stuff I use: Weatherbug, Shazam, Waze, Facebook, Pandora, AIM, Flixster, Chipotle, eBay, Urban Spoon, Cheap Gas!, Speed Test, myWireless, Papertoss, Pocket tanks, space deadbeef, fallingballs, iheartradio, pic2shop, Photobucket, Photo shop mobile. That enough? JB and there's more. JB) You might have some trouble with Jail breaking your iphone. Apple changed the boot ROM not too long ago, and the new 3.1.3 OS was designed to kill jail breaks.
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