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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. thanks for litterally attempting to rain on our parade focher lol
  2. serious they do some one always bites it on cold tires in the morning they always warn you! and im typically in 3rd really high in the rpms like 14.5 or so so i can get the drive into and out of 2 in second gear... i only know its 100 plus because of a dude last time i was there was speed trapping 3-4 is in 3rd to the top.. i have a 16.5 redline and i can push to 17k if needed so i dont shift there and yes 2nd for 7.. the drive isnt near as strong but im no comforable enough to push hard out of 7 in 1st for that hard drive.. plus i sets me up for 8 in 3rd
  3. 100+ then just get a good back and forth transistion thru 2 3 and 4.. only thing that really bites people is turn 7 the bus stop..
  4. it is a great track.. its pretty quick too.. you'll love it as a first track eva!
  5. that would be shit.... i would deff haz a sad and cry haha
  6. ya im going to call soon as i get to lunch here, ill let everyone know
  7. BIG QUESTION! does any one know FOR SURE! when the gates close on saturday night to let people in. We are driving up from columbus and we will no be able to leave until after Theresa gets off work at lik 3-4 so that will put us in earliest 10 latest hopefully 11pm.. i really dont want to drive all that way then have to sleep in our truck in some random parking lot, cuz we are not going to get a hotel lol. and im not driving 5-6 hrs in the morning then attempt to ride teh track exhausted ! THANKS in advance p.s i prolly shoulda just sent a msg to Monty
  8. stand up deal from a sweet dude.. ive been in his place/ met his roomate their place is very clean the roomate is totally cool bump!
  9. do you have another set of stands.. cuz if you plan on keeping your RR you will need them!
  10. BUMP FROM THE DEAD! riding season is here! only asking $75!!!!!
  11. me wantie jetpack me wantie jetpack... wait calm down. your a big boy now... haha (still want it)
  12. its pouring in westerville... enjoy lol... congrats btw
  13. its all good man thanks for keepin me informed.. ima pass and spend my 200 on anouther track day lol my B-2's are just fine for now haha bump for good boots
  14. i think we have a lot of weather and transportation hold outs.. come on peeps 100 bucks!
  15. 1. Me TwiztedRabbit (Jason) Intermediate 2. TwiztedRRgirl (Theresa) Intermediate 3. Dubguy (Andy) Intermediate 4. Kawasaki Guy (Josh) Intermediate 5. jbot (jinu) Int. 6. skrewloose (kevin) Adv. 7. e-flores (eber)-advanced 8. Rslocum(rob) trackday virgin 9. Hoblick (ryan) - Novice 10.SJC1000rr (?) - Intermediate
  16. btw i know a few decent roads right around that area.. for a quick jaunt nothing crazy nothing amazing just decent lol
  17. i know that mcdonalds.. polaris and Orion across from skyline... mmm skyline i live right around the corner
  18. i loved my old 06 cbr600rr.. it was heaven from 8k and up.. loved to sit in the 10-11's and of course has more low end punch than my r6
  19. and thats why we do this:banana: and to be badass of course... jk
  20. 1. Me TwiztedRabbit (Jason) Intermediate 2. TwiztedRRgirl (Theresa) Intermediate 3. Dubguy (Andy) Intermediate 4. Kawasaki Guy (Josh) Intermediate 5. jbot (jinu) Int. 6. skrewloose (kevin) Adv. 7. e-flores (eber)-advanced
  21. can we get an updated roll call? just for knowledge follow with your number in line whom and group! i know of right off my head 1. Me TwiztedRabbit (Jason) Intermediate 2. TwiztedRRgirl (Theresa) Intermediate 3. Dubguy (Andy) Intermediate 4. Kawasaki Guy (Josh) Intermediate
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