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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Seriously? Clinton picks up NAFTA from Bush (who was forcing it into law) and leaves it in place untouched and Clinton is responsible for NAFTA??? Clinton improved things from where George Sr left them by adding two separate agreements to help alleviate environmental concerns and labor disputes. Not only that I believe I read an article a while back about Bush Jr continuing to push NAFTA agreements with countries like Venezuela. Talk about crazy. If you want to take it a step further and try throwing blame at one of the parties, Republicans had more Yea votes for NAFTA in both the Senate and the House.
  2. Uh hold on there chief. "NAFTA was initially pursued by politicians in the United States and Canada supportive of free trade, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and the Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari." - NAFTA - Wikipedia
  3. We had sirens going off left and right yesterday afternoon/evening. We stood outside with a bunch of neighbors staring at the sky and watching the storm.
  4. All you have to do is listen to the three of them talk for any period of time to tell who is most qualified. Obama is about the only one that can't be attacked for something he said, but instead was constantly attacked for things someone else said. Clinton just makes shit up as she goes along and is as dishonest as it comes; snipers and not withdrawing her name from the Florida and Mich ballots like others did. McCain is already senile or just plain stupid; can't even keep Sunni and Shiite straight and trying to tie the two together (Iran and Al Qaeda) in some impossible fashion considering they hate each other and he does it multiple times. Yeah this is the guy that is running on being strong on foreign policy. I can't think of anything that stands out as easily for Obama. He had some poor wording in Pennsylvania that was spun way out of control, he handled the Rev Wright thing as well or better than most would without immediately throwing him under the bus like the others would have. I don't know... maybe someone else can tell me something he's said or done on the level as the other 2 that is as stupid.
  5. Who is qualified enough to get your vote?
  6. Yeah I'm up for it. I don't get to shoot much lately so I take any chance I can get when I can.
  7. It's not the camera but the lenses, batteries... 40D + L lenses, also usually carry a 30D as a backup. Both have grips on them also.
  8. My camera bag weighs 23lbs so I don't take mine on rides with me often.
  9. Please proceed to http://digg.com/ Thank you.
  10. We watched one start to form right above the house and then dissipate. Pretty cool.
  11. Don't worry they won't take your guns. The SCOTUS has already decided that you can keep them for now. And soon enough in Ohio you will be able to unload your weapons in joyful glee when someone enters your house illegally.
  12. I'd vote for Brak!
  13. That would be awesome thanks.
  14. yeah could definitely use the 08 one here as well.
  15. I agree. Just pointing out that while they where being childish they were also being hypocrites.
  16. yeah set aside the fact that Obama is his last name so it should be Hussein Obama. No one ever mentions his evil first name and it didn't even happen when taking a stab at his name in this thread. You know the one, Barack. That might be because it is of HEBREW origin and we wouldn't want to mention that...oh no.
  17. yeah, but it's a trade (+cash) not a gift.
  18. I can't respect anyone that would vote for Hillary.
  19. yup and off we went.
  20. Bah wish this had remained in the new thread as just the follow up to the original. Definitely hope the girls eventually get charged as well.
  21. Technically if you are given a car as a gift the donor or the donee are supposed to pay taxes on it if it exceeds the annual exclusion amount. The situation she is describing is completely different. At least the last time I looked into it, trades that are alike and of equal value are tax free, but when one exceeds the other or when cash is involved taxes are supposed to be paid.
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