First, if you've read my other posts in this thread you'll see I'm ex-military. You'll also see my wife is ex-military and you'll see I grew up on bases all my life as military brat on top of that. Fortunately I wasn't deployed since there wasn't a major conflict during the time I was enlisted. My wife was in a tent city for a while in Korea and my Dad was in Desert Storm. I have countless friends who have been to Iraq for combined tours quite a bit longer than yours. There is also a good number of those same friends who also believe we shouldn't be there. Yeah it sucks you might be killed or might be killing for what basically adds up to nothing, but hey that's life. The only people who are disrespecting the troops and the public are those who don't want to go to jail for screwing up. Even the ex-head of the NSA said the information on the WMDs was wrong amongst other things. WMDs...remember those? Yeah THE reason Bush gave for entering Iraq. NOT to liberate the Iraqi people. You might remember Powell's big hoopla over it in front of the UN about it as well. If we were truly interested in spreading freedom through out the world there are many other places we should have been going into closer to home: Cuba, Venezuela... It's more respectful to be honest about what is happening there than to lie about it and spin it into something it isn't.