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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion


    +1 and to the board!
  2. fusion

    Immigration Day

    I was surprised at the article. I expected it to be another nonsensical rant on how illegals should all get legal citizenship. Marches like that should be considered an invasion. An organized movement of citizens of another country who have illegally obtained access to our soil and are making demands of our government. Imprisoning these illegals would be much better use for GITMO than what it's being used for now. Props to the caller mentioned in the article who said Mexican illegals should be protesting the Mexican government and not the US.
  3. It's like a graphite color which is pretty cool. I checked to make sure those stickers weren't clear coated over. Looks like they would come off real easy. Replace the levers, rear sets and passenger pegs and it would look great. I've been looking at that or the Candy Dark Red/Metallic Silver 1000RR. They had all but the yellow in stock down in Middletown.
  4. Yup that's what I thought about 2nd or 3rd time I looked at the graphics.
  5. I looked at it at a couple of places (Southside and CA) and almost traded mine in for one. If I do get it, instead of sticking with what I have or getting the 1000RR, the first thing I would do is strip nearly every sticker off it.
  6. fusion

    I Passed!

    It's the Computer Information Systems Security Professional cert.
  7. fusion

    Nazi Navy

    A good number of people don't see a shape like that and automatically equate it with Nazis.
  8. fusion

    I Passed!

    Just another reason I don't think I'll bother to get mine. If you can pass it, it's definitely bound for being just another garbage certification in a few years. . . . . . . . Congrats!
  9. fusion

    Nazi Navy

    I think the Hindu and Buddhists would claim it was their's first.
  10. I'll see if I can find links but all three are supposed to be separate upcoming movies. Flash - The character Flash is supposed to be played by the guy that plays Green Arrow on Smallville. Green Lantern - GL is played by Common from what I've read. One of my favorite characters, but I don't have high hopes for this movie. Justice League - this movie was placed on hold. Probably because the cast that was slated for it sucked ass.
  11. Ironman hands down will easily be bigger than any of the others listed. I think the only one there that has a chance at beating it is the new Narnia flick. I'm also looking forward to seeing Hancock with Will Smith. Definitely looks a like a fun one. The last Hulk sucked and so will the next one. I have high hopes for Speedracer, but I have a feeling it will be a let down for some reason. Batman looks alright, but the I'm getting tired of all the films. Almost none have been as good as the first and second. Narnia will be a fun one to see with the kids. That first was pretty cool. Forbidden Kingdom was a great film that not enough people will go see unfortunately. It was fun enough to go see the first time that we are considering going back to the theater to see it again. There's other movies I'm really looking forward to see late this year and next year: Flash, Justice League, Green Lantern...
  12. Awesome man. Congrats! My brother had an 05 R6 I got to ride though the mountains a bit out west. Absolutely a great bike. See the seat off there and the dust. Has it been sitting for a while?
  13. What does higher than the basic rider course mean? Advanced course? Track days?...
  14. fusion

    Kawi Kid

    That's because it's an animated GIF which is basically multiple GIF images stacked and played in order. You can't just resize one without rebuilding it or using an app like imageready that will recognize it as an animated GIF when resizing.
  15. I'll have to search for it but I think there was an article somewhere last year about textile vs leather. I think it came down to something like textile was as good as leather up to something like 90mph or so.
  16. I never had a problem with my textile jacket flapping, it was pretty tight though.
  17. fusion

    Fuel MPG??

    I'm betting I'm going to regret giving you so much shit someday.
  18. That looks like a blast. Gah I can't wait to do my first track day.
  19. fusion

    Fuel MPG??

    30-40 most of the time. Isn't that like me having my mower on the rabbit instead of the turtle?
  20. I think the thing I hate about most of those vids is the number of variables involved. IMHO about 99% of the time they prove absolutely nothing.
  21. That vid was kind of lame...unless you're some kind of fanboy of course.
  22. Yeah their necks are fragile too. They snap real easy.
  23. Nah we can't touch them at all. They will fly after you trying to bite you which sucks for those not so quick. If we could deal with it ourselves I'm not some puss that needs a gun to kill a goose.
  24. We have this problem where I work. They will stand in front of the doors and his at people not letting them out. Been attacked many times. Damn geese are scary little summabitches, but only because it's illegal for us to "take matters into our own hands".
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