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Posts posted by fusion

  1. Dumbass, trying to pass a car... Prolly wouldn't of crashed if he was on ANYTHING other than a HONDA......

    That's because he wouldn't have been able to catch up to the car on any thing else. :bigfinger:

  2. He was waiting on the Title, but he has it in hand now and says $8000 OBO if anyone was interested....

    That's a tough spot he's in. MSRP on an 07 is 8900 and talking a dealer down a little even on a bike isn't that tough. Add to that the discounts dealers will give you on additional gear you might by there also. He might have to go at a decent lost if he wants to get rid of it.

  3. lol Maybe I'm just getting old. I've slowed down on the roads a bit the past year mostly because I've noticed more and more assholes driving like dicks in traffic.

    Just so there's no confusion, no I'm not comparing you to one of them. You already indicated you do it when there's no traffic, long empty back roads...

    Remember man, the public roads aren't built for it and when you wreck on one it's likely more damage will be caused to you and your bike then would be on the track in the same situation. Riders and sportbike riders even more get a bad rap. The more sportbike riders get injured or killed the more likely it is we will see increased regulation whether or not anyone else is involved. When the numbers of accidents involving sportbikes start to significantly outnumber other bike types you can count on them starting to consider tightening what will be considered street legal.

    OK maybe that sounded a bit like lecture...not what I intended lol... Damn it's been a long day and not a single chance to get out on the bike. Maybe tomorrow...

  4. Yeah I just got done reading it. I hadn't seen that yet.

    I've cracked the throttle open on a long stretch before, but wouldn't/don't do it regularly. I only belong to one other bike forum (600rr.net) and you would have received the same response there from most of them and I can't say I disagree.

    I really don't think what Twitch said warranted such a harsh response.

  5. Good job on setting your nickname as Satan.

    No one would ever see you coming. :roll:

    After recent events and speculation that Satan is stalking us, we now must shorten his true name to Luci.

  6. I ride out to Springfield occasionally for BJJ, but I've never really gone riding out that way.

    BJJ = blow job johnson? :dunno::lol:

    You know now that I think about it...first he talks about the Dayton Mall (like why would he know about the Dayton Mall) and then he responds to this post and the first thing he comes up with is blow jobs...

    Not only does Satan want to be one of us Dayton guys, now I think he's also starting to stalk us. :supergay:

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