LOL. A few of the riders that crashed on Saturday were in the medical building getting ready to get loaded onto the ambulances. There was another spectator (not Flounder) there that had his camera out and was taking pictures. The bitch from old school and another security guard got made and told him to put his camera away or they would take it. The spectator started taunting them. We all were standing around getting ready to walk up the hill when they decided to take out their frustrations on us. The lady tried to say that we were preventing them from loading the riders into the ambulance because HIPAA prevents them from loading people into an ambulance if people are around, which is bullshit. Flounder told her this and the other guard that was with her called for backup as we were talking up the hill. Office Tackleberry was waiting for us on the other side of the hill and that is where Putty's video picks up.