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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. I am close to giving up on Prison Break. This show could go on forever. Just when you think they are finally going to be exonerated something crazy happens.
  2. Depends on what time we go or if the chics drink. Ah F it....we can just drive. Park the bike for the next week damn near. I'd be game for whatever. Doesn't matter to me.
  3. I'm a pretty good judge of character... for instance, I know you're Suzy. Oh snap! Lol, this thread gets better and better.....
  4. Looks like Satan is the winner. The devil wins again.....
  5. It was a little cold, not too bad. Soon as we all left Thurmans I headed home. I was tired.
  6. Everyone meet me at the 9th green at 9:00pm. Oh, and everyone needs to wear something REALLY nice... Does this involve sprinklers?
  7. Pedro


    Are you talking about the ride up 315N and the backroads in Delaware county from 7/11 on campus?
  8. There is a radio ad now or was this a call in type of thing? Never mind, saw the info in the news section.
  9. Pedro


    Haha, that's funny. Good one buells3rider.
  10. Pedro

    Rain sucks

    I agree too. Rain sucks right about now. The ten day forecast isn't looking too good right about now either.
  11. Pedro


    That's funny. You have out did yourself again buells3rider.
  12. He said he is going two brothers, said he already has the pipes at the house.
  13. Looks good Satan, what brand of pipe is that, a Hindle?
  14. Thursday and Friday look good too. http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/b ... undeclared
  15. I'm, too sexy for my jacket, too sexy for my jacket, too sexy by far... Did you pickup the Kawi today? I bought my bike at Honda Northwest too.
  16. Lol, I know. They finally caught a pic of me without the jacket.. We had been pulled over for a while and with that long sleeve shirt on a brotha was a little hot. I think I am going to retire that jacket.... might be time for something new. When are you going to hit the road with us?
  17. Zorro, you can't possibly get me to believe that you are the only one at your job that can say "do you want fries with that?" Just kidding man, call off, the more people the better..
  18. Lol, i can't blame you. I didn't even see any portajohns. I probably would have did the same thing as you.
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