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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Ok, it's all good. It's still early in the season. You ridin on Tuesday?
  2. This dude has issues....... It was a good time today.
  3. Pedro

    Can't Wait!!!!

    Sounds good. Putty walked back in the office from lunch today with a huge grin on his face after going for a ride. The grin on his face was about as big as this smilie, I started to call you guys but I had to run some errands tonight since I got stuck working tomorrow. It's all good though, I'll get a chance to ride sometime soon.
  4. Pedro

    Can't Wait!!!!

    If you are getting your tires put on saturday that works great for a ride on tues or weds this coming week! Yup, this is true and just think this is only the beginning, knock on wood.
  5. Pedro

    Can't Wait!!!!

    Damn. My bad. I meant to say 10 DAY foreskin. EH????? WTF????? You mean foreCAST????????? Haha, I noticed this again. I was hoping he did this on purpose this time, maybe not.
  6. I'm in. I am off work that day.
  7. Pedro

    Can't Wait!!!!

    Tuesday is a good day for me as well. That appears to be the best chance that the weather will hold up to.
  8. Pedro

    Can't Wait!!!!

    You've been watching the 10 foreskin??? WTF???? Haha, I noticed that too. Yota has a couple questions to answer.........
  9. Pedro

    Can't Wait!!!!

    I'm in on this. Let me know when.
  10. I had fun as well, it was a good time. We all have to do it again especially when it warms up out.
  11. Is that the name of the shop, or is that a user on here? Just wondering... His last name is Urban, I forgot his first name. The number above is his cell phone. He is the owner of the shop.
  12. Damn that sucks. I only made it up to the first race ar Mid Ohio last year but was looking forward to going to both this year. D*mn Ohio weather..
  13. Umm since I assume no one who frequents this board can read your post I say or
  14. So that is why I can never find you guys... I have been forgeting to do the back flip. I'll remember that. I might be out there.
  15. Pedro

    age groups

    Lol, I knew you would respond to that. So those are Chris's two favorite things...
  16. Pedro

    age groups

    I could see him in that wheelchair. The wheels are his favorite color, Motorsports blue.
  17. Lol, a Angel told you to join a site run by Satan?
  18. I don't think so. It's a bar/restuarant.
  19. Lol, I guess the names Satan and CBRGirl would like a little wierd on the guest list.
  20. Ask Bornsinner or Putty, they used Urban and he did a great job on their bikes. I think his shop is near the OSU campus. His number is 614-746-5600. I am taking my bike there some time soon to have some paint work done.
  21. [/quote:4d789] He changed the front and rear sprockets on the bike and did not have the odometer recalibrated. Since he did not do that it makes the odometer read out more miles than it actually has on it.
  22. Nice, LOL that is funny. Is this going to be a Friday routine for you? Those are some good jokes.
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