Lab= a few minor adjustments. As far as being the fastest production street bike... it is. No other bike has posted the qtr mile numbers like the 14. And the ONLY bike to beat me has been Putty. And I have SMASHED BUSA'S, R1'S, 05-ZX10'S, AND ZX12'S... oh yeah, at that time... I was bone stock wit 500-600 miles. I'm willing to say he (Putty) probably smashed ery one else reading this blog... so spare me the yammer. Oh and I just noticed your break down on the bike you claming in your sub-title... no disrespect but if you on a 636 I aint bothering wit it. And peer pressure dont mean shet to me... so dont even try to twist it. I'm not one of these sock-toe wearin, matching-gear riders runnin from bar to bar. I bought my bike to ROLL... and when I ride I ride HARD. You say the 14 is too heavy... that tells me that YOU can't ride, because I do every thing on my 14 that I did on my R1. When you see me, look at my tire wear... I use all the rubber. I can wax you in turns or straights. Now you got me yammerin grass-hopper. We'll meet again Putty.