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Venture Guy

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Posts posted by Venture Guy

  1. whats up guys....cannot pin point this problem......i recently replaced the thermostat on my 1993 accord....(stock motor f22a)....and the bastard ran good for a few days...and now is over heating once again....i know its not the water pump...when i drive...its fine...its only at low RPMS that the gauge starts to go up again....could it be the thermostat? is the new one faulty?.....radiator bad? or i need a new water pump?


    symptoms: low rpms....gauge rises, high rpms...while driving...cools below..normal..no leaks or anything....


    any suggestions?



  2. ok...i thought this was freaking illegal...and i thought i would start a topic on it...maybe something good to talk about....i thought cops were supposed to have at least running lights on ......WTF....i was in I77 in akron...and radar...was going crazy....slowed down...and saw in the median..a cop gunning......but not a single light was on....hmm.....comments please!
  3. ok..i dont wanna bash anyone..but here is what you SHOULD do..... goto www.jdmclub.org i think thats its..or try .com....anyhow...or www.jdmhondaparts.com shop for prices...and if yu decide to buy..they ship EVERYTHING to your door step....the motor...ecu..motor mounts...wiring harnesses...axles...tranny...hoses..and pretty much all you need...if you need help you can ask brian..from xpracing..he has a hybrid b16 civic hatch......he knows allllll about it.....http://www.xpracing.com or his AIM is OOCIV good luck bro...im stil saving for either turbo or the h22 swap for my accord



  4. yea im only thinking about runnin 7lbs...no internal mods...i just wanna turbo the stock motor..cuz no-one has ever done it before..and my compression is only 8:1 sooooo it should be able to handle it...should be fun :D
  5. hey whats up guys..do you know where the best place to find a 14b turbine is? im turbo charging my accord soon...i have the parts list..just wondering if someone knew a good place to get used turbo parts ..and inner coolers...im having all the piping made custom by my friend....thanx -randy-
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