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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. shittygsxr

    Horse Lover

    was he "pitching" or "catching"??
  2. Worried Freshman (Ryan Carlberg): "It's like this itchy, rashy, burning sensation. And it hurts when I..." Van: "Dance?" Worried Freshman: "No, when I pee!" Van: "You hooked up with byrner. Didn't you?" Worried Freshman: "yeah." Van: "She seamed like a nice girl, said it was her first time. Yeah, you should always check the quality of the turf before you step out onto the field. Liston, go to the campus hospital. See stu. Tell him Van sent you. And remember, Don't be a fool, wrap your tool." Worried Freshman: "Thanks Van, thanks a lot." Van: "Dont't thank me. Thank penicillin."
  3. Jrmiii - thanks for the nap! That post was better than ambien I am going to read it again before I go to sleep tonight
  4. Here is the link for the google map of the area. Perfectly straight roads in the country. I am going to assume that he was going for a top speed run http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Marion+Williamsport+Rd,+Caledonia,+Marion,+Ohio+43314+Brocklesby&sll=40.61721,-82.990894&sspn=0.06841,0.110378&g=Marion+Williamsport+Rd,+Caledonia,+Marion,+Ohio+43314&ie=UTF8&ll=40.616884,-83.000185&spn=0.008958,0.021973&t=h&z=16
  5. I looked on the R6 service manual and the thread size is 40mm, the wrench size you would need should be 47mm if I am reading the manual correctly. If you have the front wheel off of the ground and the preload backed out all of the way it should be a bit easier to loosen. I would either find a big adjustable wrench or find a vise with "jaw shields" on it, clamp down on the hex part of the fork cap and rotate the fork. The torque spec in the manual is only 14 ft lb so it should be relatively easy to get loose. There is a rubber washer which gives a bit of resistance for the first couple of turns then it should spin right off edit 47mm thread, and 40mm socket sorry
  6. who the hell wants to do math when they are drunk. I just want a "legal on" date.
  7. Oh thank god !!!!! I was so scared that all of the high school educated ford workers that screw on lug nuts would lose their $40 an hour jobs. For a minute there I thought that UAW and major Automakers would have to make a deal that is beneficial to both parties as well as the American public that is supporting them. I cant wait to go to bed tonight, I am sure I will sleep easy knowing we have delayed the inevitable. While that money is "trickling down" I don't think there will be much left after people get their greedy hands on it
  8. the used car market that is hit is the cars that are 1-3 years old. Why would someone want to buy a two year old car when they can get a new one cheaper (with the $4500 credit)?
  9. Many people drive shit cars because that is what they can afford. So even a $4500 "discount" wont help them much. It will help contractors that want to get rid of their old work vehicles. Or the guy who gave his kid a shit car when they turned 16, he will take it back trade it in and get something newer for himself. So this program does little for the poor or disadvantaged.
  10. as far as the judge is concerned, yes. off the record, no
  11. I wanted to go on this ride but I didn't because Ross is a fag and it makes me very uncomfortable when he is kissing on Parks. I heard from a very reliable source that Ross was passing the guy on the R6 and he crashed as soon as Ross grabbed his ass. As far as the dick measuring contest, any time I can get my dick in a girls hand I consider that a win.
  12. lt. dan - God damn it, Gump! You’re a goddamned genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamned gifted, Private Gump.
  13. Those cops and their high school education can fuck themselves and get over their power trips. That cop handled shit like a cocky prick and now he gets to deal with it. Dealing with pricks is part of the job that is why they get paid well. If the cop was right then why did they drop the charges??? +1 for Obama for actually standing up for something.
  14. I dont think it will matter much either way. For the price just get both:) I got the straight because I bought mine for a different year bike (bigger) and that was what was available.
  15. there Obama called the cop and they made up. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=8163051&page=1
  16. Nope, it doesn't mean that you are above everything but it means that if you fuck with him the president will call you stupid, and get to be on the news a lot.
  17. The bottom line is this guy showed an ID. The ID stated he was a professor at Harvard University. Once that was established the officer should have not called any other units and tried to avoid embarrassment for either party involved. Professor Gates has a resume that the combined OR.net community couldn't hold a candle to. You guys are brutal. I would have apologized for the trouble and spent a couple of hours talking to him if I was the cop on scene.
  18. If being an asshole was an offence worthy of being arrested, then we would need a couple more jails.
  19. Yep and tough guy cop got called stupid by the president of the united states. Hopefully the African American youth of Massachusetts don't hold a grudge
  20. And that crowd gathered while Gates was inside. They were not there because Gates was mouthing off, they were there because there were at least three cruisers in the middle of a narrow ass street
  21. The problem is a cop pulls up in an unmarked cruiser and starts asking questions. Maybe the cop should have taken a moment to show his ID first as he was in an unmarked car. Second after he gets ID "to verify his residence" he radios for the Harvard PD. He had the ID so why did more cops need to be called in? I am sure if "several" cops showed up at your work you would be pissed too.
  22. My bad I thought everyone read it before they passed judgement http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0723092gates1.html
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