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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. just head over to oncycles and grab one
  2. damn mclovin you have to be faster than that!
  3. Maybe some of the grammar police people can but their educational background in their signature. Please include your job title also.
  4. sorry guys I was wrong with the 90% in ten minutes thing, they are safely charging up to 95% within 5 minutes. Of course the power supply is always the limiting factor. I guess we will have to wait for "eletric stations" for those kinds of results
  5. I'll bet you a hundred bucks, actually I will bet you whatever you can afford that my battery wieghs about a pound, ask flounder, campus racer or bornsinner. It was 1/2 pound before I doubled it's size just to be on the safe side. Actually McLovin can tell you how powerfull that battery is!! The "reason" it takes 10-12 hours to charge is because of a limitation on your homes electrical service and NOT the battery. The battery can charge to 90% within 10 minutes
  6. I cant wait to get this stupid bike together so I can ride it. At least I have my wideband in so I can tune the damn thing! Hopefully I can ride this thing in a couple of days

  7. actually he took care of my weld last night. Thanks for the hookup and now I can move on to bigger and better projects

  8. yes it definately was sarcasm, a terribly uninformed public is the leading cause of the delay of these products reaching market
  9. I couldnt agree more! who wants to wait 10 whole minutes for a 90% charge and with the crummy range the tessela gets (150 miles) I would have to charge it every 6 or 8 days. And the weight, don't get me started on that, the freaking battery I use in my gsxr is over 1lb, the thing is freaking HEAVY!!! If you want to see a piece of shit car lookup the electric cobra and mustang.
  10. I can't believe everyone on this board. Who do I blame? MTV and BET, we get to sit and watch spoiled rich kids get anything they want and we make them cultural icons. We are a nation filled with janitors that feel they deserve to drive an escalade and live in a 3000sf home. Mortgage bailouts not only bail out the dumbasses that are over their heads but also help preserve the value of the homeowners that pay their mortgage on time. Unfortunately it seems that every decision that needs to be made is a lesser of two evils situation. The $8,000 tax credit for home buyers will not help anyone who is irresponsible with their credit due to tighter lending practices. So every hard working person that pays their bills on time has the oppurtunity to move up a notch. I for one will be taking advantage of the depressed real estate market. With the amount of retirement contributions that I currently make I hope the market stays fucked for at least a couple more years, because i am planning on retiring before I am too old to enjoy it. SO my advice to everyone is to stop pissing away money and invest in some of the more fiscally solid companies out there, if you think China is going to take over the world invest in some international funds
  11. Get the new PCV and the autotune setup. The base maps from dynojet should be close and then let it tune itself from there.
  12. all you have to do is either be related to someone or blow somebody at OSU and you are in. Don't try that get an education angle it rarely works
  13. I can pick it up for you I will be in Lorain friday
  14. Forget the car companies, the next big corporation will be either BYD or A123
  15. if you are out this way let me know I am about 2 miles from iron pony. I should be up there (Lorain) thursday night
  16. do you have any good links to $20 barns?
  17. why didnt you just pick it up from them?
  18. can you post a pic of one of the flanges that you already have ?
  19. I have started my 750 off of 4 "C" cell sized batter and they weight about 1/2lb. They can discharge about 30C and they are rated at 2.4ah and 14.4V (4 cells) so about 1,036W max discharge
  20. They got his bike torn down and there is carbon on the head Now to go find a baby
  21. Have you properly adjusted the clutch (not just at the lever)?
  22. oncycles.com has the $20 front stand. They are in columbus and they are really cool people!
  23. someone let me know who the mystery welder in the photos is
  24. yota can you PM me his info?
  25. I need someone to weld a O2 bung into my exhaust. The bung and midpipe are both stainless and will be pretty visible so I would like the weld to look decent. Any suggestions?
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