I can't believe everyone on this board. Who do I blame? MTV and BET, we get to sit and watch spoiled rich kids get anything they want and we make them cultural icons. We are a nation filled with janitors that feel they deserve to drive an escalade and live in a 3000sf home. Mortgage bailouts not only bail out the dumbasses that are over their heads but also help preserve the value of the homeowners that pay their mortgage on time. Unfortunately it seems that every decision that needs to be made is a lesser of two evils situation. The $8,000 tax credit for home buyers will not help anyone who is irresponsible with their credit due to tighter lending practices. So every hard working person that pays their bills on time has the oppurtunity to move up a notch. I for one will be taking advantage of the depressed real estate market. With the amount of retirement contributions that I currently make I hope the market stays fucked for at least a couple more years, because i am planning on retiring before I am too old to enjoy it. SO my advice to everyone is to stop pissing away money and invest in some of the more fiscally solid companies out there, if you think China is going to take over the world invest in some international funds