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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. You haven't had it for two years though, you had to buy your way to coolness:D I am not saying you are not cool I am just a bit cooler
  2. Actually I had my flat black before either of you
  3. yes they do and no amount of money will stop me from being as fast as the infamous campus racer
  4. when should we go fill out applications or maybe I should just send a resume
  5. Maybe I will get a part time job after they fire all of the MOC people
  6. I think I will need some help getting my new suspension set on the old gixxer. I cant wait till spring
  7. He says he is well known in Youngstown his alias on here is McLovin
  8. he wont ride the track because he doesnt have seven thousand dollars for a track bike.
  9. do you guys from youngstown know Smelliott???
  10. their page is private now. My new gang is the "hells satans"
  11. did anyone notice the pictures of the wrecked Ferrari on the trailor???
  12. you know how I know you're gay? because you offered me a free hand job.
  13. for this guy (saw it on the way home Tuesday) but not this guy (he got a new sweater)
  14. I didnt like the place when I went there they had a decent selection but the prices were way to high and the people I spoke with sucked. Look on ebay or buy from a private seller.
  15. my mom uses the version usb and the only issue I have with it is the hardware itself feels crappy. Internet speeds are pretty reasonable for surfing the web
  16. I think you need to give more info about what you are doing to get good advice. 6061 mills well but I have had better luck with 7075. proper feeds, speeds, tooling and coolant are needed.
  17. restomods are my favorite, you can add some modern parts and performance and actually enjoy the car. The girlfriends family loves to go all original and let them sit in garages forever
  18. MR. OG (campus racer) how much did you say a car like that was worth?
  19. that is one hell of a shop. Where is it located?
  20. this is where I used to buy from http://www.alro.com/SECLocations/locations_cb.cfm There is a huge price difference between different aluminum alloys, make sure you buy what you need. Each alloy has different characteristics some are easier to machine some are stronger, and some anodize easier ect.
  21. Looking at some of your pics makes next September seem really far away. Every year I want to do a trip like the one planned but it never works out, next year will be different. Eric I need to come out to indy one weekend and check out your shop maybe you could teach me a thing or two. I am going to CNC some lifters for my bike, do you think you could help me weld on tabs to my swingarm?
  22. I think I could do this trip but I might leave a couple days early, I think I need a little head start on Eric. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of riding through the mountains at night with rain, fog and semi's without lights Mr. Earache was still pulling 80+mph with almost no visibility. Good times;)
  23. she must have the best personality in the world
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