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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. The turnout yesterday was alright considering the weather, but I expect to see alot more people there as the weather gets better
  2. No reason he has to be the Mod. He just makes sure to take care of posting a thread that most people dont care about. He shows up every week and meets lots of new members. Usually you reward/thank someone that does good, I guess you call it manners. As far as jobs go I think enough of us have been poor college students so I do my best to hook them up with part time positions so they can afford this expensive hobby we all enjoy.
  3. I am no longer pushing the issue after this post but if you use the phrase "in all honesty" then you have to be honest. The issue was about him getting to mod the threads, not start them you included start them as a way to make your point sound better. I think that was the point to push Ohio Riders events. He shows up to alot more events than anyone else here and giving him some card to pass out and letting him keep meet threads on topic helps to get people there to be huge.
  4. this site is not big enough for three spray painted flat black bikes
  5. If he gives me his keys to hold then I think we would be in good shape.
  6. Unless we see pics I might have to pull out the BS emoticon
  7. I think this is more about power trips than the good of the website. Bornsinner is the only person that has actually taken two seconds to think of the positive side of this situation. Since Putty left (dont blame him) nobody posts up pictures the way he did. When I first joined I said hey look at all of these pics, looks like a good group maybe i'll stick around. Bret is at every bike night give him some cards, stickers and let him borrow a cam if he doesnt have one.
  8. How many bike nights has quaker had? How many bike nights has Lodge Bar / ohio riders had? By far the QSL bike nights have brought more members to this site and made more face to face meetings
  9. I think Whodey has a lot of work to do on his bike and doesnt need to waste all of his time on ohioriders. I think he needs a temporary ban:p
  10. congrats? Sorry you have to move but as long as everything is working out I guess it cant be too bad
  11. so this should be it for dayton? I think everybody that lives in that city has registered now
  12. I get to self manage my retirement and first off I dont pay social security (6.5%) I put in 10% (no choice) and I get matched 13.81%. It adds up fast!!! I would have to make a lot more somewhere else just to break even just apply for everything and wait for the phone to ring
  13. does it really mean godzilla or is that just the way it sounds when an asian person says it?
  14. Our fire shop is understaffed and the people that work there are not always the nicest. I'll be honest with you I had applied for about 100 jobs at OSU before I got even 1 interview, I have two bachelors and my resume looked pretty ok for my age. I applied for every job that I could do from cutting grass to book keeping, to academic advising. I figured that they must of had the worlds best employees if I couldnt even get a job cutting grass. Well I quickly learned that most people there are fucking retards with a relative that got them a job, I see these dumb shits promote people that are too stupid to do their previous job. GSXRnurse has met most of the people that I work with and she can attest to it. If you want do go back to school or just need really good benefits then there are not many better places to work. If you are highly ambitious and want to be recognized and rewarded for you hard work then stay far far away. Anyways here is a link http://jobs.osu.edu/ it takes a little while to set everything up and after that you can apply for a job in a minute or less. If there are additional yes/no questions on the end of the application always answer yes no matter how stupid the question, if you check no the automatically toss you application
  15. soon my young friend, and you will get fat like me too
  16. does anybody happen to have a dead deer I can borrow?
  17. im gonna buy cigarettes and lottery tickets just like poor people do with their money from the government
  18. why? did I get the age wrong? I am absolutely sure about the grey hair;)Nick is getting old
  19. Home Depot has been on a downward spiral since 1998 and they are getting their asses kicked by menards in alot of the smaller markets.
  20. His pastors says america sucks and has a multimillion dollar house being built in Tinley Park Ill. There that ahould get Mr.Bret elected
  21. who do you think bought him those fancy shoes?
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