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Posts posted by fattyona12

  1. Maybe it was because he was being punched, he resisted. Look, it doesn't matter how you fuckin package shit, it's still bullshit. If you AND a partner can't subdue a fuckin homeless person without repeatedly punching them in the face, you don't deserve the fuckin job. If I, by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers.


    Besides, it's obvious the guy is subdued already. The only things he's doing is possibly being a pain in the ass by not putting his arm behind his back at this point. Whatever happened before is irrelevant, now.


    1. punching the guy in the face is not the best idea agreed


    2. I am 300lbs and lift 3 days a week, i have fought crazy homeless people who i alone could probably not subdue who have been smaller than that. Until you fight someone with crazy strength who can tap into adrenaline at will don't think you could of subdued them alone or with one other person.


    3. As far as a taser who knows if they had one and with a large winter coat it might not make it through to be affective.


    4. Lastly someone is not subdued or under control until the handcuffs are on.

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