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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. Thought I would help out some.
  2. RC51 John


    I was never a Hulk fan, but Edward Norton would be an awesome Bruce Banner.
  3. I'ver never been there, but it sounds like fun. I'll need to get my CCW before we go though.
  4. 300 Arrested in Immigration Raids Police chief 'not happy' with LAPD immigration clash
  5. :lol: I love that movie.
  6. I wonder what the cost if that hard drive was.
  7. Maybe not a CBR, but you bet your ass an RC51 could.
  8. Hey, don't you have some wax to remove.
  9. Not a problem. We needs some more edumicated peepols here.
  10. Thanks dictionary.com Effusive 1. unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve: effusive greetings; an effusive person. 2. pouring out; overflowing.
  11. Wow and he's doing a wheelie too.
  12. I love that site. It's good to hear that you are okay. When you're on the road you should at least feel somewhat safe around other bikes. Hope you can get the RC fixed.
  13. Yes, the yellow bike is a Ducati 900ss.
  14. Ya gots ta have mad skills to rate a ride like dat. It's off da hook.
  15. I shall not be attending.
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